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for promoting vs by promoting

Both "for promoting" and "by promoting" are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "For promoting" is used to indicate the purpose or intention behind an action, while "by promoting" is used to show the means or method through which something is achieved.

Last updated: March 23, 2024 • 996 views

for promoting

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate the purpose or intention behind an action.

Use "for promoting" to express the reason or goal behind a particular action or effort.


  • She created a social media campaign for promoting the new product.
  • The company organized an event for promoting environmental awareness.
  • He wrote a blog post for promoting his upcoming book.
  • They designed a poster for promoting the charity event.
  • The team brainstormed ideas for promoting the upcoming concert.
  • The EESC points out that forest certification is an optional, market-based tool for promoting sustainable forestry.
  • Use of innovation policies for promoting supply and demand of business services.
  • The current proposals for promoting biofuels are sufficient for the short term.
  • Recognises the potential of social cohesion policy for promoting equality;
  • Member States have also put into place own measures for promoting energy efficiency.
  • Subject: European system for promoting renewable energy sources
  • The various measures should be clearly linked with the proposed mechanisms for promoting demonstration.
  • In many countries these schemes are essential for promoting the use of wood energy.
  • Increased competition will also be a driving force for promoting innovation.
  • Communication is an essential tool for promoting excellence and spreading good practice among the regional partners.
  • Up to EUR 400000 may be used for promoting dissemination activities, including events and publications.
  • Motorways of the Sea are an important instrument for promoting Short Sea Shipping.
  • expenditure committed for promoting relations between the European Parliament and national parliaments.
  • This appropriation is intended to cover expenditure committed for promoting relations between the European Parliament and the national parliaments.
  • On the contrary, high standards can be a means for promoting exports.
  • Several directives establish minimum standards across the EU for promoting information and consultation at company level.
  • However, there is scope for promoting the initiative further.
  • The mutual recognition principle is a leading instrument for promoting unhindered intra-Community trade within the EU-25.
  • Now, there is a further argument for promoting organic farming.
  • In this context, the future national strategic frameworks represent a key opportunity for promoting development models respectful of territorial balance.


  • to promote
  • aiming to promote
  • with the goal of promoting
  • in order to promote
  • with the intention of promoting

by promoting

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate the means or method through which something is achieved.

Use "by promoting" to show how something is accomplished or achieved through promotion.


  • The company increased its sales by promoting the new product.
  • She gained popularity by promoting her music on social media.
  • The organization raised awareness by promoting their cause through various channels.
  • The event was successful by promoting it through radio ads.
  • They achieved their goal by promoting the campaign online.
  • It did help by promoting observation and experiment.
  • in particular by promoting synergies with the EU cohesion policy
  • The proposal reinforces the internal market by promoting a more competitive environment with European air carriers capable of taking on their international competitors.
  • This Proposal for a Regulation aims to combat illegal logging by promoting sourcing from countries with legal forest management practices.
  • There are some positive signals from the Commission when it comes to making better use of heading 1a to strengthen European competitiveness by promoting research, innovation and forward-looking investments.
  • Here, the Union has a positive contribution to make by promoting its development model at international level.
  • efficiency of road transport by promoting fuel-efficient
  • We must also facilitate the mobility of the workforce by promoting the recognition of pension and social security rights.
  • These contacts have demonstrated their worth by promoting the development of networks between persons and between administrations.
  • The criteria furthermore aim at reducing the energy consumption from laundering by promoting products that are efficient at lower temperatures.
  • interregional cooperation to reinforce the effectiveness of cohesion policy by promoting:
  • In supporting Community policies, the JRC must act to the advantage of European citizens by promoting research into safety, the environment and health.
  • In light of Amanda's difficult childhood, we thought our goal could be a better tomorrow by promoting and protecting the well-being of children today.
  • The European dimension of VET must be strengthened by developing new ways of working together, for example by promoting closer institutional cooperation and peer review.
  • Local authorities should adopt measures to overcome any negative effects, for example by promoting the use of public transport or providing reduced rate passes.
  • The Commission reassured people that this would not happen; governments did their bit by promoting agreements with business; consumer associations advised vigilance.
  • Moreover, for the 2010-2012 planning cycle the activity-based management (ABM) approach was improved by promoting result-oriented processes, establishing more measurable objectives and developing appropriate performance indicators.
  • The Union should continue to develop criminal child abduction alert mechanisms, by promoting cooperation between national authorities and interoperability of systems.
  • (d) enhancing human capital, in particular by promoting:
  • 17. enhancing human capital, in particular by promoting:


  • through promoting
  • via promoting
  • using promotion
  • with promotion
  • through the promotion of

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