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matter concerning vs matter about

Both "matter concerning" and "matter about" are correct and commonly used in English. They can be used interchangeably to indicate the topic or subject of discussion.

Last updated: April 01, 2024 • 833 views

matter concerning

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to indicate the topic or subject of discussion. It is often followed by the specific issue or subject being addressed.


  • The report covers matters concerning environmental sustainability.
  • We need to discuss matters concerning the upcoming project.
  • 3. The committee may also be consulted by the Commission on any other matter concerning application of this Regulation.
  • 1. The Commission may bring before the Committee referred to in Article 15 any matter concerning the application of this Directive and particularly those relating to market monitoring and surveillance activities.
  • Mr Camre is risking neither his life nor his freedom in a matter concerning racist statements.
  • may consult the Committee on any other matter concerning the implementation of the Culture 2000 programme not covered by paragraph 3.
  • I must talk to you about a very urgent matter concerning both our countries.
  • Mr President, I rise on a matter concerning the meeting today of the College of Commissioners, under Rule 38 or 64.
  • I wish to raise another matter concerning Parliament's budget, and that has to do with information policy.
  • The General Assembly shall decide on any matter concerning DARIAH ERIC, which is not referred to in the previous paragraphs, in accordance with paragraph 16.
  • Any Party to this Agreement may bring any matter concerning its interpretation or application before the EEA Joint Committee.
  • As Stop Sodastream Italy, we are writing regarding a matter concerning your organization at the international level.
  • I regret to have to raise a matter concerning the immunities of this House and a serious contravention of Article 9 of the European Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
  • The Committee may furthermore be consulted by the Commission on any other matter concerning the application of this Directive such as the identification of the Community-wide implications of the perceived safety hazard as provided for in Article 10.
  • Without prejudice to the procedures described in Article 7(3), (4) and (5), the Commission may consult the Committee on any matter concerning the application of this Decision.
  • I should also like to point out the matter concerning cooperation between the Member States, the Commission and the Presidency as regards the memoranda, the further talks and implementation programmes.
  • I myself will happily talk about the silver economy: if you look closely at the programme, you will see there a matter concerning the quality of life, so what is Europe's dilemma?
  • Does the Council condemn the attempts by the USA to prevent this matter concerning the flagrant violation of human dignity being put before the UN Human Rights Council?
  • Once a matter concerning the application of paragraphs 3(a) to 3(e) is referred to the Joint Council, the Joint Council shall come to a decision within one hundred and eighty (180) days.
  • He asks permission to speak to you about a matter concerning both our families.
  • The second part of the amendment is a linguistic matter concerning only the English version.
  • Classically, the matter concerning dreams is interpreted within the context of the analytic session.


  • issues concerning
  • topics concerning
  • subjects concerning
  • matters related to
  • matters pertaining to

matter about

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is also used to indicate the topic or subject of discussion. It can be followed by the specific issue or subject being addressed.


  • Let's talk about the matter about the budget allocation.
  • The article discusses matters about climate change.
  • Is this a matter about which the Commission can do anything, or is it purely a question of national government policy and of subsidiarity?
  • I do not believe that the issue of global poverty is a matter about which we should joke or make puns.
  • This is the matter about which you are conducting an outright scare campaign, and one directed not only at the Services Directive but also, ultimately, at our new Member States in Central and Eastern Europe which have made the European Union richer.
  • It doesn't matter about me.
  • It doesn't matter about college.
  • This matter about losing money is now over.
  • Anyway, it doesn't matter about the radio.
  • Doesn't matter about what some blood test says.
  • It doesn't matter about the implications For chuck or louis.
  • This guy - it doesn't matter about rationality.
  • Doesn't matter about the speech.
  • It doesn't matter about religion.
  • But somehow, it didn't matter about the publicity.
  • We're here on a more tragic matter about bernard slaybeck.
  • Mummy and Daddy are very cross because it doesn't matter about the gun.
  • It doesn't matter about the result or the application.
  • Just one small matter about my qualifications for this job.
  • It doesn't matter about this or that star, since her favorite star is me.
  • It doesn't matter about the Father because the whole thing was my Fault.
  • It doesn't matter about the slots, we have to go now.


  • issues about
  • topics about
  • subjects about
  • matters related to
  • matters pertaining to

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