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the contribution of vs the contribution to

Both 'the contribution of' and 'the contribution to' are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'The contribution of' is used to talk about the action of contributing, while 'the contribution to' is used to indicate what is being contributed to.

Last updated: March 25, 2024 • 1220 views

the contribution of

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to describe the action of contributing or the act of giving something.


  • The contribution of the volunteers was crucial to the success of the event.
  • She highlighted the contribution of the team in completing the project on time.
  • Report on the contribution of taxation and customs policies to the Lisbon Strategy (2007/2097(INI)) - ECON Committee.
  • Report on the contribution of taxation and customs policies to the Lisbon Strategy [2007/2097(INI)] - Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs.
  • Several respondents observed that the contribution of nuclear technology to decarbonisation is not substantial, based on comparative statistics.
  • Nonetheless the contribution of trade policy is essentially supportive - avoiding unnecessary barriers and reducing energy-dependence.
  • European instruments for improving the contribution of housing to regional policies
  • We welcome the contribution of Parliament to this very important policy debate.
  • FIre Growth RAte index defined as the highest value of the quotient between HRRsm30 excluding the contribution of ignition source and time.
  • Nor must we forget that climate change will require the contribution of science, technology and economics.
  • I would like to underline the contribution of the European Parliament.
  • So this discussion will continue and we hope for the contribution of Parliament in this debate.
  • However, the contribution of biogas from manure to the abatement of greenhouse gases requires further research.
  • None of these problems can be solved without the contribution of Serbia.
  • So, too, will be the contribution of the European Council.
  • That is the contribution of the Stability Pact.
  • To assess the contribution of benzo(a)pyrene in ambient air each Member State shall monitor other relevant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at a limited number of measurement sites.
  • whereas the contribution of aviation to climate change is substantial and growing rapidly,
  • the contribution of social dialogue to bolstering the knowledge-based society;
  • Deepen the contribution of culture to sustainable tourism
  • According to an EU analysis note, the contribution of gender equality to the economy should not be measured purely in terms of the profitability of businesses.
  • And if I may say so the contribution of the chorus was particularly fine.


  • the act of contributing
  • the giving of
  • the donation of
  • the input of
  • the participation of

the contribution to

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to indicate what is being contributed to, the recipient of the contribution.


  • His contribution to the charity helped many people in need.
  • What is your contribution to the team's effort?
  • Including the contribution to the guarantee fund for compulsory storage.
  • This appropriation is intended to cover the contribution to the Energy Community budget.
  • Report on the contribution to the Annual Growth Survey 2012 [2011/2319(INI)] - Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs.
  • on the contribution to the Annual Growth Survey 2012
  • In addition, it is necessary to specify important qualitative aspects, namely the contribution to reduction of traffic-growth and air pollution.
  • Unless Member States increase national investment in TEN-T commensurately it is doubtful that the programme can make the contribution to freight transport logistics which the European economy and environment require.
  • Another instrument is the ECB's role in promoting financial stability, in particular through the oversight of the payment systems and the contribution to the coordination of supervisory activities.
  • the contribution to the creation of a well-integrated energy market.
  • Moreover, the contribution to the changes in debt levels of factors other than net borrowing is also high.
  • Although the contribution to annual M3 growth fell to 3.5 percentage points at the end of 2006, it remained significant.
  • I would like to extend my gratitude for the contribution to the public consultation that we launched last September.
  • the contribution to the promotion of the business location, including tourism;
  • - the contribution to creating a satisfactory level of supply-side competition;
  • As in recent years, output growth was supported by strong private consumption and investment, while the contribution to growth from net exports was negative.
  • Importance of the contribution to broader policy objectives.
  • Another question to be addressed indirectly is cutting energy consumption in the EU and hence reducing the contribution to climate change.
  • This explicitly states and emphasises the contribution to public participation and prevention of pollution that PRTR will make.
  • The ECB should monitor this progress and the contribution to SEPA by each national banking community with the assistance of the EPC.
  • It also allows for the annual negotiation of the contribution to the food aid budget.
  • They're citing extraordinary circumstances and the contribution to national security.


  • the donation to
  • the support for
  • the assistance to
  • the help for
  • the aid to

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