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the probability to produce vs the probability to gnerate

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'The probability to produce' is commonly used when referring to the likelihood of creating something, while 'the probability to generate' is less common but can be used in a similar context. The choice between the two depends on the specific context and the verb that follows.

Last updated: March 19, 2024 • 921 views

the probability to produce

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to the likelihood of creating something.

This phrase is used when discussing the likelihood of producing a specific outcome or result.


  • The probability to produce accurate results is high.
  • What is the probability to produce a successful product?
  • We need to assess the probability to produce a viable solution.
  • Using particle x-ray coincidence techniques, the probability to produce K-shell vacancies in 4.7MeV/u Pb+Z 2 (42<Z2<92) collisions for impact parameters ...
  • Feb 13, 2015 ... The probability to produce a defective part equals to p. How many randomly chosen parts produced by this machine you have to take to expect, ...
  • Jul 13, 2007 ... ... to a random distribution using an offspring-level null model estimate the probability to produce an EPY directly from the data as the proportion ...
  • This is reflected in the probability to produce a system with a definite mass. At each vertex the total system is divided into two subsystems, and for very large total ...


  • the likelihood of producing
  • the chance to create
  • the possibility of generating
  • the potential to make
  • the prospect of forming

the probability to gnerate

This phrase is also correct but less commonly used compared to 'the probability to produce.' It can be used in a similar context when discussing the likelihood of creating something.

This phrase can be used when referring to the likelihood of generating a specific outcome or result.


  • What is the probability to generate new leads?
  • The probability to generate revenue is crucial for the business.
  • We should analyze the probability to generate interest in the product.


  • the likelihood of generating
  • the chance to produce
  • the possibility of creating
  • the potential to develop
  • the prospect of forming

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