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to work under the deadlines vs to work with the deadlines

The correct phrase is 'to work under the deadlines.' This phrase is commonly used to indicate working within the constraints or time limits set by deadlines.

Last updated: March 30, 2024 • 1549 views

to work under the deadlines

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate working within the constraints or time limits set by deadlines.

The phrase 'to work under the deadlines' is used to convey the idea of working within the time constraints imposed by deadlines.
  • My boss works under deadlines all the time.
  • Finally, the worker is entitled within specific deadlines to withdraw his agreement to work under the opt-out.
  • That want to work under the table.
  • It's safe to work under the assumption that nothing's private.
  • We're launching a rescue mission to find Commander Sisko, but must recalibrate our sensors to work under the conditions reported by Lieutenant Dax.
  • We cannot understand why we are due to work under the conditions anticipated for this evening and tomorrow.
  • It was finally agreed to allow the two East German shipyards to continue to work under the conditions which had been previously determined.
  • By forcing the Council to work under the scrutiny of the cameras, we will end up with formal exchanges and backroom negotiations.
  • assigned to work under the direction and supervision of
  • The Commission proposes to work under the next Financial Perspectives period and beyond with only six instruments, three of which are geographical and three thematic.
  • It has been a pleasure to work under the surveillance of Ms Jordan Cizelj and in cooperation with Ms Gomes, Ms Morkūnaitė-Mikulėnienand Ms Lepage.
  • After the Finnish Presidency, which has put in a creditable performance, Europe is preparing to work under the new King, the Queen, by whom I mean Mrs Merkel.
  • Such staff, whose responsibilities are of a more limited nature, will generally be required to work under the supervision of officials or temporary staff.
  • One such successful indicator was the Protocol on Conformity Assessment and Acceptance of Industrial Products, recommended by the European Commission to the candidate countries as an instrument for preparation to work under the conditions of the internal market.
  • They were required to complete and pay for the works under the programme within the appointed deadlines, which forced them into borrowing, thereby incurring additional financial obligations (interest on loans).
  • LDCOM proposes therefore that the Commission should take behavioural measures to limit the distortion of competition thus brought about and to enable alternative operators to work under the conditions which they would have enjoyed in the absence of aid.
  • Secondly, together with the UDB, we would argue in favour of establishing coastguard services and appointing maritime inspectors to work under the direct supervision of the relevant shipping areas and monitor the strict observance of European legislation.
  • Moreover, we all too often forget that the same people are still working in the lower echelons of this administration, who are of course now endeavouring to work under the new system.
  • Each observatory shall work under the oversight and supervision of a section.
  • These special representatives will also work under the authority of the High Representative, and may be heard by Parliament.


  • to work within the deadlines
  • to work according to the deadlines
  • to work to meet the deadlines
  • to work while adhering to the deadlines
  • to work within the specified deadlines

to work with the deadlines

This phrase is not commonly used in English. The preposition 'with' does not convey the intended meaning of working within the constraints of deadlines.

  • The Council will work towards meeting the deadline laid down in Seville for adoption of the proposal.
  • Even though this is becoming increasingly challenging, we will continue to work towards deadlines agreed in Hong Kong, such as that concerning agreement on the arrangements for agriculture and industrial tariffs by the end of April.
  • They were due to be repaid 60 % of this for work completed by the deadline of 31 December 2008.
  • This is really, really fun, but I have a work deadline so...
  • My boss works under deadlines all the time.
  • Spain will work to meet the deadlines of the Financial Services Action Plan and to see that the new approach based on the Lamfalussy report, which includes the necessary respect for institutional balance, is applied as soon as possible.
  • On the subject you are talking about now I would just like to say to you that this matter is covered in the Green Paper on work organization and the deadline for submissions is 30 November.
  • The make-a-wish foundation, they can work to a deadline.
  • The Commission would draw the Honourable Member's attention, first, to the fact that, pursuant to Article 11 of Directive 2008/104/EC OJ L 327, 5.12.2008. on temporary agency work, the deadline for the directive's transposition into national law is 5 December 2011.
  • Deadline for work in the Committee Requesting institution - date
  • We are committed to reducing the time taken for such decisions to the absolute minimum and will work towards this deadline.
  • We must look for a structure within which we can work to longer deadlines.
  • In the event of amendments to a work programme and with a view to enabling flexibility in the implementation of the work programmes, the deadline for submission of requests needs to be set.
  • I don't know about you, but I work best to a deadline.
  • They said if he couldn't meet the deadline, regardless of shouldn't bother coming back to work.
  • The Luxembourg Presidency will work with a view to respecting the deadline of June 2005 set by the European Council for finalizing the instrument.
  • This strategy must be given time to work according to the timetable set by President Obama, with 2014 as the deadline for the complete Afghanisation of military and police operations.
  • Sebastião started to work with Doctors Without Borders.
  • Notes that the social partners should make an effort to work with multiannual plans with specific calendars and deadlines aiming at a long-term sustainable strategy;
  • Mr Bonde is fully aware of the deadline set for this work.

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