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the possibility to pay vs the possibility of paying

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'The possibility to pay' is used when referring to the ability or option to pay, while 'the possibility of paying' is used when referring to the potential action of paying. The choice between 'to' and 'of' depends on the specific context and meaning intended.

Last updated: March 30, 2024 • 2299 views

the possibility to pay

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English when referring to the ability or option to pay.

This phrase is used when talking about the capability or opportunity to make a payment.


  • Customers have the possibility to pay online or in person.
  • I have the possibility to pay in installments.
  • Is there a possibility to pay by credit card?
  • The new Article 33 of Act No 1/1997 foresees the possibility to pay with bonds.
  • In the same Delibera, the AEEG foresaw, as an alternative, the possibility to pay out in 2006 as an advance the amounts of aid which would have become due until the end of the previous arrangement (2007) on the basis of Law 9/1991.
  • In order to facilitate the implementation of investment projects Member States should have the possibility to pay advances.
  • Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013 of the European Parliament and the Council [10] gives Member States the possibility to pay advances for the direct payments.
  • Simplifying eligibility of expenditure (Article 56): a modification is introduced as to allow the possibility to pay overheads on a lump-sum basis.
  • It is essential that an employee's fixed salary represents a sufficiently high proportion of his total remuneration to allow the operation of a fully flexible variable remuneration policy, including the possibility to pay no variable remuneration.
  • Before this stage is reached, it will be necessary to assess whether legal tender regulations need to be changed or if the use of this instrument needs to be restricted so that the possibility to pay with notes and coins is maintained.


  • the ability to pay
  • the option to pay

the possibility of paying

This phrase is also correct and commonly used in English when referring to the potential action of paying.

This phrase is used when discussing the potential act of making a payment.


  • There is a possibility of paying a deposit to secure the booking.
  • We are exploring the possibility of paying for the service in advance.
  • The company is considering the possibility of paying a bonus.
  • They provide for example, the possibility of paying higher co-financing rates under the Regional Competitiveness and Employment objective.
  • The main elements of the existing system will be retained, notably the possibility of paying up to 20% of the actually recovered sums owed to the Community as a flat-rate reimbursement of the costs of recovery.
  • However, it also includes elements that might have been relevant in the case of Xynthia as well - a proposal to lower the thresholds and the possibility of paying advances of the expected aid.
  • Among other possible sources of financing, the report also proposes considering the possibility of paying companies for ecosystem services, through which they contribute to biodiversity conservation and forest protection.
  • Chupa Chups did not benefit from any actual tax suspension (Moratoria fiscal), but rather from the possibility of paying by instalments.
  • As I said before, it gives Member States the possibility of paying the most needy from this national budget.
  • The existing Agreement does not foresee the possibility of paying less in the case of cancelled meetings.
  • Article 38(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1974/2006 provides for the possibility of paying advances for the running costs of local action groups.
  • If not, the institutions concerned are requested to investigate the possibility of paying benefits on a provisional basis under Article 45(2) of Regulation (EEC) No 574/72.
  • Furthermore, we still have the possibility of paying advances for oil seeds the following year but, in all probability, we shall have absolutely no need for that instrument in budgetary year 1997 given the evolution of expenditure.
  • The proposal now before us contains a great deal of what we wished for, but it departs from what we want on one crucial point, namely when it comes to the possibility of paying national tax.
  • Offering consumers the possibility of paying off a loan before its term constitutes a good should not be spoiled by giving the lender the option of claiming compensation for any costs where this is not fair or justified.


  • the potential for paying
  • the chance of paying

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