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is marked in the column vs is filled in the column

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Is marked in the column' is typically used when indicating that a specific item or information has been indicated or highlighted in a column. On the other hand, 'is filled in the column' is more commonly used when referring to completing a form or document by providing information in the designated column.

Last updated: March 29, 2024 • 1782 views

is marked in the column

This phrase is correct and commonly used when indicating that a specific item or information has been highlighted or indicated in a column.

This phrase is used when referring to marking or highlighting a specific item or information in a column, such as in a list or table.


  • The correct answer is marked in the column labeled 'Answer'.
  • Important dates are marked in the column on the right.
  • The clauses addressing each of the Essential Requirements are set out below in Table 3.4; where an X is marked in the column, the Essential Requirement is addressed by the clause listed on the left.
  • Two fields are marked in the column associated to the relevant table:
  • If you have results of more samples than there are marked columns, just add new columns with the number at the end of the form.
  • Each cell in each of these two columns is marked with the « » symbol;
  • The permanent ice is marked in red.
  • Em, the areas is marked in orange we already searched this morning.
  • it is marked in accordance with Annex II to that International Standard.
  • This was a memorable and earth-shattering event and I am sure it is marked in his memory for ever.
  • 9 May is marked in the EU official calendar as Europe Day.
  • That day is marked in my memory in another way as well.
  • The heel is marked in ink for soft cheeses and hot-marked for semi-hard cheese.
  • 5. is marked in accordance with Articles 4 and 5;
  • - each batch is marked in such a way that its date of production can be identified; this batch mark must appear on the production record.
  • - each batch is marked in such a way that its date of production can be identified; this batch mark must appear on the production record.
  • The designation is marked in characters at least as large as any other characters on the label, together with the indication "Appellation d'origine contrôlée" (registered designation of origin) or "AOC".
  • accompanied by an authorised release certificate (EASA Form 1), certifying that the item was manufactured in conformity to approved design data and is marked in accordance with Subpart Q; or
  • The undersigned is hereby informed that the information supplied may be stored on a database of the European Commission and that the particulars may be disclosed to the public via the internet, with the exception of the information which is marked in this application as confidential.
  • Export permits and re-export certificates for any container of caviar as specified in point (g) of Article 64(1) shall be issued only if the container is marked in accordance with Article 66(6).
  • all such meat is marked in accordance with the second subparagraph of Article 4(1) of Directive 2002/99/EC or in accordance with Decision 2001/304/EC;
  • Unless the actual holding time for the refrigerated liquefied gas being carried has been determined in accordance with and the portable tank is marked in accordance with;


  • is indicated in the column
  • is highlighted in the column
  • is denoted in the column
  • is specified in the column
  • is labeled in the column

is filled in the column

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to completing a form or document by providing information in the designated column.

This phrase is used when indicating that information has been provided or completed in a specific column of a form, document, or table.


  • Please ensure all required fields are filled in the column provided.
  • Your name should be filled in the first column.
  • By closing the stopcock the column is filled;
  • The column is filled under pressure (3 bar, with N2) with the stationary phase.
  • The column is filled with sulfonated polystyrene resins capable of separating the amino acids from each other and from other ninhydrin-positive materials.
  • Three pairs, respectively, of the columns filled according to section 6.2 are prepared.
  • The columns filled according to section 6.2 are conditioned as follows:
  • Condition the filled column (A.3) as follows:
  • The stationary phase according to 4.9 is filled into the plastic column up to the mark.
  • A notebook page filled with columns of dates and times.
  • To be mandatory filled when columns 010 to 050 are filled.
  • Mr President, the new buzz-phrase 'absorption capacity' has filled newspaper columns all over Europe.
  • a guard column filled with the same phase,
  • [Scoffs] Your honor, that column was filled with libelous allegations that are highly prejudicial toward my client.
  • Treatment by cation exchanger, during which the base wine flows through a column filled with polymeric resin reacting as undissolvable polyectrolyte and whose cations can be exchanged with cations of the surrounding environment.
  • Just think of the cases where illegal agricultural workers have been hired, which have long filled the crime columns.
  • <- Glass column filled with test soil (when testing photolabile products columns should be wrapped in aluminium foil)
  • If the institution applies only one threshold for in each business line, only the column 090 shall be filled in.
  • The product is filled in 5 ml type I glass vials.
  • Optimark is filled in pre-filled syringes made of polypropylene.
  • In addition, certain data required to be filled in that box is filled in in other parts of the certificate.
  • One the trench is filled in, you'd never know we were here.


  • is completed in the column
  • is entered in the column
  • is written in the column
  • is inserted in the column
  • is added in the column

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