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Please find attached vs Attached is the

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Please find attached' is commonly used in emails to indicate that a file is included with the message. 'Attached is the' is more formal and is often used in written documents to introduce an attachment. They are not directly comparable as they serve different purposes.

Last updated: March 25, 2024 • 1234 views

Please find attached

This phrase is correct and commonly used in emails to indicate that a file is included with the message.

This phrase is typically used in emails to inform the recipient that a file is attached. It is a polite and common way to draw attention to the attachment.


  • Please find attached the report you requested.
  • Please find attached my resume for your review.
  • Please find attached the meeting agenda.
  • Please find attached the updated version of the document.
  • Please find attached the presentation slides.
  • Please find attached two more examples of living mannequins.
  • Please find attached the 2011 Workshop presentation.
  • please find attached the final programme of the Frontiers in molecular biology course "Architecture, Function and Evolution of the eukaryotic chromosome", organized by Sergio Comincini, Elena Giulotto, Ennio Prosperi and Ivana Scovassi.
  • Please find attached my new OpenPGP certificate.
  • Please find attached the new Doco Price List for Q1 2013.
  • Please find attached the European Health Insurance Card with number... as requested in section 7 11.2
  • Please find attached Mr Schulz's letter to Hungarian PM Mr Orban
  • Please find attached two letters: the first from Sister Sherly, director of the School For Children projects in Khammam, the second from Father Prakash, who is continuing Father Augusto Colombo's role in Warangal.
  • Please find attached below the full text of the resolution. (Hannes Swoboda, Sylvie Guillaume, Juan Fernando López Aguilar, Claude Moraes, Csaba Sándor Tabajdi, Kinga Göncz on behalf of the S&D Group)
  • Please find attached the Call for Participation and the Application Form to be filled and sent back to before Wednesday 23rd of May 2012 (16:00 Egypt Time - GMT+2).
  • For a detailed description of the situation please find attached the technical report drawn up by Professor G. B. De Medici and Professor F. Ortolani of Naples University on 7 February 2009.
  • Please, find attached the programme of the conference and the text of UNSCR 1325
  • Please find 2 documents attached: my letter withdrawing the claim addressed to the President of the EU General Court, and the confirmation from the post that the letter has been indeed sent.
  • Please find the direct effects here attached - htm - pdf
  • To ensure the longevity of the wigs, please follow the care instructions you will find attached to the product... Please also note that the colors of the product might differ slightly from what you see on your computer display because of divergent color matching.
  • Delegations will find attached the conclusions of the European Council (9 December 2011).
  • Find attached latest draft discussed with the regions.
  • Find attached the list of participants.
  • Delegations will find attached a draft of the final compromise text for a new procedure resulting from the meeting of the Permanent Representatives Committee on 8 June 2006.
  • In the style of that timeless literary creation Mr William Wonka, you'll find attached to each essay, a golden ticket.


  • I have attached
  • Attached is
  • The document is attached
  • I am attaching
  • The file is attached

Attached is the

This phrase is correct and more formal. It is often used in written documents to introduce an attachment.

This phrase is commonly used in formal written communication to introduce an attachment. It is a more direct way of stating that something is attached.


  • Attached is the report for your review.
  • Attached is the invoice for your records.
  • Attached is the agreement for your signature.
  • Attached is the document you requested.
  • Attached is the presentation slides.
  • That ex-fix I attached is the only thing securing his leg in place to the rest of his body.
  • In the case where the retractor is not attached to the required outboard lower belt anchorage or in the case where the retractor is attached to the upper belt anchorage, the lower belt anchorages shall also be submitted to the test prescribed in paragraph 6.4.3.
  • In the case where the retractor is not attached to the required outboard lower belt anchorage or in the case where the retractor is attached to the upper belt anchorage, the lower belt anchorages shall also be submitted to the test prescribed in paragraph 6.4.3.
  • The text of the Protocol negotiated with Algeria is attached. The Protocol is designed primarily to take account of the accession of the new Member States to the EU-Algeria Association Agreement and to include the new official languages of the EU.
  • According to this Commission communication, one aspect to which particular importance is attached is improving the mobility and freedom of movement of the workforce so that the possibilities offered by the countries of North Africa can be exploited in a mutually beneficial way.
  • An invoice declaration or an invoice declaration EUR-MED made out on a label which is subsequently attached to the invoice is acceptable provided there is no doubt that the label has been affixed by the exporter.
  • The legal basis attached is currently at the draft phase.
  • Experience has shown that the same degree of urgency may be attached to a certain number of derogations as is attached to the safeguard provisions.
  • Not being attached to things is the best part of my job.
  • How? My testimony is attached to the warrants.
  • The actuator is attached to the implanter using the Luer Lock connection.
  • A copy of the memo is attached to the affidavit.
  • We are like the lifeboat that is attached to the Titanic.
  • This is why the SOS Democracy Members have submitted a minority opinion which is attached to the report.
  • Great significance is attached to the elimination of gender stereotypes.
  • In the European Union, considerable importance is attached to the monitoring of all national expenditure.
  • The SDoC is attached to the transport document based on timber administration regulations.
  • The confiscation order is attached to the certificate.
  • The airport fees are agreed in a separate contract which is attached to the Framework agreement.
  • The project schedule is attached to the Commitments Document as an Annex.


  • Here is the attached
  • Enclosed is the
  • The attached document is
  • The file attached is
  • The attachment is

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