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for your reference and update vs for your update and record

Both phrases are correct, but they serve different purposes. 'For your reference and update' is used when providing information for someone to refer to and update, while 'for your update and record' is used when indicating that something should be updated and recorded. The choice between the two depends on the context and the specific action required.

Last updated: March 26, 2024 • 2421 views

for your reference and update

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when providing information for someone to refer to and update. It implies that the information is relevant for the recipient and may need to be updated in the future.
  • Update your references, old man.
  • The Commission shall publish the list of national reference laboratories and updates thereof in the Official Journal of the European Communities.
  • 2. The Commission shall publish the list of national reference laboratories and updates thereof in the Official Journal of the European Communities.
  • The Agency shall progressively create and update a reference document cross-referencing all the national rules applied by the Member States for putting rolling stock into service.
  • The Agency shall progressively create and update a reference document cross-referencing all the national rules applied by the Member States for placing rolling stock in service.
  • In the meantime, it is already appropriate to clarify and update the references made in Annex XI to those lists and Annex XI should therefore be amended accordingly.
  • In this context, the Council also notes that the Commission has the intention to revise and update the reference values included in the Annex to Directive 90/496/EEC on nutrition labelling of foodstuffs.
  • There is a need to update the reference and the list in the footnote in order to include all European Neighbourhood Policy countries.
  • Members may provide the information referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 through internet references and shall update the information as necessary.
  • Consequently, it appears appropriate to update references to the information systems in Decision No 1/2001.
  • Where appropriate, the Commission will update the references to this party.
  • Slovenia will update the reference values in accordance with the Directive.
  • It is therefore necessary to update the references to those standards in Directive 72/245/EEC.
  • It is therefore necessary to update those references.
  • Consequently, it appears appropriate to update references to the fees concerned within the Community in Decision No 1/2001.
  • It is necessary to update the references concerning the data protection instruments that must be taken into account in this field.
  • The Commission should be empowered to update the references to technical specifications given in European or international standards by means of delegated acts.
  • When duly justified, the Commission (Eurostat) shall update the reference methodology, in accordance with procedural arrangements approved by the European Statistical System Committee.
  • Whereas it is therefore necessary to update the reference prices and amounts listed in tables III and IV(b) to Protocol 2 accordingly.
  • It is therefore appropriate to update the reference to those European standards in Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 882/2004.


  • for your information and update
  • for your reference and revision
  • for your review and update
  • for your perusal and update
  • for your consideration and update

for your update and record

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when indicating that something should be updated and recorded. It suggests that the recipient needs to take action to update information and keep a record of it.
  • The football intelligence unit has a sophisticated database of so-called 'football prominents', using the latest digital image technology to update and record cases.
  • A collective management organisation shall keep records of its members and shall regularly update those records.
  • I told Christa to update her records but she's not exactly quick on the draw.
  • 11 the procedures to maintain, and update, records of dangerous goods and hazardous substances and their location within the port facility;.
  • The Member States must update their criminal records and make them available more quickly.
  • The disclosing market participant shall update the written records referred to in this paragraph accordingly.
  • Packing centres shall update their physical stock records each week.
  • There shall be an immediate update of the donor record.
  • I will update our computer system records accordingly.
  • Inland ECDIS shall keep a record of updates, including the time of application to the SENC.
  • A database must have response times that allow users to insert, update or delete data records in a timely manner.
  • A database must have response times that allow users to insert, update or delete data records in a timely manner.
  • A database must have response times that allow users to insert, update or delete data records in a timely manner.
  • the procedures to maintain, and update, records of dangerous goods and hazardous substances and their location within the port facility;
  • the procedures to maintain, and update, records of dangerous goods and hazardous substances and their location within the port facility;
  • He's made an art of combing through cyberspace, Finding the status updates, Financial records, and location blips
  • The test system shall be able to update data, record data and control systems related to operator demand, the dynamometer, sampling equipment, and measurement instruments.
  • However, the Portuguese Government has refused to update the records of the farmers covered by agri-environmental measures during that reference period, while, at the same time, also failing to update the amounts to be paid under the agri-environmental commitments.
  • Is the Commission aware of the failure to update these records on the part of the Portuguese Government, as stated above?
  • The competent authority of the Member State shall specify the records to be kept by collectors, processors or applicants referred to in Article 33(1) and the frequency of the update of those records, which shall be at least monthly.


  • for your record and update
  • for your update and documentation
  • for your update and filing
  • for your update and logging
  • for your update and archiving

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