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Hoping for your kind understanding. vs hoping for your understanding.

Both phrases are correct, but they convey slightly different tones. 'Hoping for your kind understanding' implies a more polite and considerate tone, while 'Hoping for your understanding' is more straightforward. The choice between them depends on the level of formality and politeness you want to convey.

Last updated: March 25, 2024 • 1750 views

Hoping for your kind understanding.

This phrase is correct and commonly used to convey a polite and considerate tone.

This phrase is used to express a hope that the listener will understand a situation in a kind and considerate manner.


  • I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Hoping for your kind understanding.
  • Given the circumstances, I'm hoping for your kind understanding.
  • Hoping for your kind understanding in this matter.
  • Please, I'm hoping for your kind understanding.
  • Your patience is appreciated. Hoping for your kind understanding.
  • Thank you for your kind attention.
  • And for your kind, what a wonderful amount of shame.
  • Thank you very much for your kind words.
  • I also want to thank you for your kind words about my business proposition.
  • Thank you for your kind advice, Sam.
  • Thank you for your kind words with the bank today.
  • Thanks for your kind words of support.
  • Thank you, Colonel Saito, for your kind attention.
  • I feel sorry for your kind.
  • Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for your kind attention.
  • Bless you for your kind heart.
  • Thank you, merchants, for your kind words.
  • Thank You for Your kind heart and the hospitality.
  • Thank you for your kind attention.
  • Thank you for your kind words, Mr Bolkestein.
  • Thank you, Commissioner, for your kind remarks.
  • Thank you very much for your kind wishes.
  • Thank you for your kind invitation, Mr Titley.
  • Mr President, thank you for your kind words of introduction.
  • Thank you, Mr Swoboda for your kind words.


  • hoping for your understanding
  • hoping for your patience
  • hoping for your cooperation
  • hoping for your support
  • hoping for your empathy

hoping for your understanding.

This phrase is correct and commonly used to express a straightforward hope for understanding.

This phrase is used to express a hope that the listener will understand a situation without emphasizing a specific tone of kindness or consideration.


  • I apologize for the delay. Hoping for your understanding.
  • Hoping for your understanding in this matter.
  • Please, I'm hoping for your understanding.
  • Your cooperation is crucial. Hoping for your understanding.
  • Hoping for your understanding of the situation.
  • Maybe l was hoping for some understanding.
  • I'm throwing myself on your mercy and hoping you'll be understanding.
  • Sibasaki-kun I hope for your understanding.
  • I didn't ask for your understanding.
  • Mr President, thank you very much for your understanding.
  • Nevertheless, I thank you for your understanding.
  • I would like to thank you for your understanding.
  • Mr President, I would ask for your understanding.
  • We are very grateful for your understanding.
  • Here too I must ask for your understanding.
  • Mr President, thank you for your understanding.
  • Thank you, as always, for your understanding.
  • Commissioner, I would ask for your understanding.
  • I beg your indulgence and thank you again for your understanding.
  • We have very many votes so I ask for your understanding.
  • I am in any case grateful for your understanding.
  • In the name of these poor children, we thank you for your understanding.
  • And again, on behalf of myself and the harbor inn and everybody at Pacific Coast Properties LLC, thank you so much for your understanding.
  • However, I understand what you are saying and I thank you for your understanding.
  • I am not, of course, Mr President, asking you to make a statement against the Treaty of Nice, I am merely asking for your understanding.


  • hoping for your kind understanding
  • hoping for your patience
  • hoping for your cooperation
  • hoping for your support
  • hoping for your empathy

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