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Learn to help vs Learn helping

Both phrases are correct, but they have slightly different meanings. 'Learn to help' implies learning how to provide assistance or support, while 'learn helping' suggests learning about the act of helping or the concept of helping. The choice between the two depends on the specific context and the intended meaning.

Last updated: March 26, 2024 • 881 views

Learn to help

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English. It means to acquire the skill or knowledge needed to provide assistance or support.

This phrase is used when someone is acquiring the ability to offer help or support to others. It implies learning the necessary skills or knowledge to be helpful.


  • She is learning to help others in need.
  • Children should learn to help each other.
  • I want to learn to help people in crisis situations.
  • He is learning to help his community through volunteer work.
  • The training program helps participants learn to help those struggling with mental health issues.
  • I had to learn to help myself.
  • I had to learn to help myself, Mother.
  • The Haitian people, sorely tried by history and nature, must receive from the international community the necessary instruments to learn to help themselves.
  • We'll learn to help each other.
  • We must learn from each other and we must learn to help Louise and the hundreds of thousands like her.
  • We have to learn how to help you use it.
  • And you need to learn how to help me.
  • We need to learn how to help.
  • My point is, with Charlie gone, you and I have to learn how to help and support one another no matter what.
  • When you're alone in this world, you learn to find help anywhere, any way you can, including bending the truth about your own dead mama.
  • You need to learn to let people help you.
  • I just hope that someday, you'll learn to ask for help because then I'll know our time together wasn't wasted.
  • Well, they're all doctors and they want to learn... how to help other boys in the future.
  • Someone to share with, to learn from, to help me sharpen my skills.
  • There's no justification for his continued existence unless we learn from him how to help others.
  • Photojournalist James Nachtwey sees his TED Prize wish come true, as we share his powerful photographs of XDR-TB, a drug-resistant strain of tuberculosis that's touching off a global medical crisis. Learn how to help at http://www.xdrtb.org
  • Photojournalist James Nachtwey sees his Prize wish come true, as we share his powerful photographs of XDR-TB, a drug-resistant strain of tuberculosis that's touching off a global medical crisis. Learn how to help at http://www.xdrtb.org
  • the cameras are there so that, in success, other doctors can learn this technique to help other kids like Nathan.
  • You've got to be able to walk the walk, talk the talk, and learn how to get help when you need it.
  • There was still a bunch of things we needed to learn... we needed to learn when to ask for help... (HOPEFUL MUSIC) When to accept help... and most of all, when to help someone else.


  • Learn how to help
  • Acquire the skills to help
  • Develop the ability to help
  • Master the art of helping
  • Gain knowledge to help

Learn helping

This phrase is correct and can be used in English. It suggests learning about the act of helping or the concept of helping.

This phrase is used when someone is studying or gaining knowledge about the act of helping or the concept of providing assistance. It implies a focus on understanding the nature of helping.


  • She is interested in learning helping behaviors.
  • The course covers various aspects of learning helping skills.
  • He enjoys learning about helping others in different situations.
  • The workshop is designed for students to learn helping strategies.
  • The book provides insights into learning helping techniques.
  • Colin was really helping him learn to manage his temper.
  • Colin was really helping him learn to manage his temper.
  • Colin was really helping him learn to manage his temper.
  • And, Dad, you made it pretty clear that you weren't interested in helping me learn this stuff.
  • The ZBZ sisters have been helping them learn a little.
  • To make sure these buildings are safe, it's not going to take policy - it's going to take reaching out to the masons on the ground and helping them learn the proper techniques.
  • And if I learn you have been helping that thing in any way whatsoever, I will see to it that you are disassembled piece by piece.
  • And you know how you've been working with Gaby and she's been helping you learn how to play with other kids?
  • Having to learn all this Klingonese isn't helping my performance.
  • But if we have any chance of helping Lukas, we got to get back to the Sector and learn more about what this is.
  • If Narcisse learns that you had a hand in helping his wife run away, your life will be in danger.
  • I'm helping a great man learn how to be alive again.
  • You know, in recent years, there have been hundreds of new organizations and websites that are helping young people learn to code.
  • They work towards helping young people in existing and future Member States learn to conceive democratic values as worthy of protection.
  • Books and literature play a special role in culture and in helping people to learn about others.
  • They also learn parenting skills by interacting with infants or even helping to care for them.
  • The only reason I'm helping you with this is so you'll learn to live on your own.
  • I'm sure you are not surprised and to learn who I must thank: software design team chief, a man whose father ENCOM has a notable past, helping the company to become what is today...
  • I'm helping you guys learn something, right?
  • Another key to helping our young people secure opportunities is to allow flexibility in labour markets so that people can learn on the job.


  • Study helping
  • Explore helping
  • Understand helping
  • Gain knowledge about helping
  • Learn the principles of helping

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