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on the samples vs on samples

Both 'on the samples' and 'on samples' can be correct depending on the context. 'On the samples' is used when referring to specific samples that have been previously mentioned or are known to the speaker and listener. 'On samples' is used in a more general sense, referring to samples in a broader context.

Last updated: March 30, 2024 • 933 views

on the samples

This phrase is correct when referring to specific samples that have been previously mentioned or are known to the speaker and listener.

Use 'on the samples' when you want to specify that the action or information is related to particular samples that have been identified.


  • Please write the results on the samples labeled A and B.
  • The data on the samples collected last week is very interesting.
  • The tests performed on the samples impounded revealed the presence of a bacteria called pseudomonas fluorescens.
  • Photometric measurements shall be carried out on the samples before and after the test.
  • Mr. Damour, we just got the results on the samples from your house.
  • The results of the analysis on the samples must be known before the animals leave for the slaughterhouse.
  • Photometric measurements shall be carried out on the samples before and after the test.
  • I'd like to run a second test on the samples at the lab.
  • Ms. Simmons, I need everything you have - on the samples you're working on.
  • I'm continuing to perform tests on the samples we took from the AC baby, but I need more data.
  • They want to run their own analysis on the samples we took from Mateo's.
  • Additional information on the samples collected within the Salmonella survey for the within holding prevalence
  • Information on the samples collected within the MRSA survey
  • Checks for authenticity should be performed on the samples mentioned in paragraph 3 by means of the following procedures:
  • can deliver in a timely manner the results of the analysis, test or diagnosis carried out on the samples taken during official controls and other official activities; and
  • the positive sera are subjected to at least one of the alternative tests set out in point 1.4(a) which has not been carried out on the samples referred to in point 1.4;
  • In those cases where Member States have made official examinations on the samples referred to in Article 10, the detailed technical reports of such examinations shall be submitted to the other Member States and the Commission before 1 June of each calendar year. ;
  • Checks for visual appearance should be performed on the samples mentioned in paragraph 3 with a view to determining whether a bag/box shows anomalies, such as wrongly sorted coins, non-euro coins or euro coins with a non-identifiable denomination.
  • The results of the laboratory tests on the samples taken during the health checks must reveal no evidence of the pathogens in question;
  • Right. Alec, I want you to run the same tests on the samples we've got from Dawn Ashworth.
  • the services of a specialised laboratory able to carry out special analyses on the samples taken at that post,
  • - the nature of the results of the check and, if samples were taken, the description of the animals tested, the nature of the test carried out on the samples and the results of that test.


  • on those samples
  • on these samples
  • on our samples
  • on your samples
  • on my samples

on samples

This phrase is correct when referring to samples in a general sense, without specifying particular samples.

Use 'on samples' when you are discussing samples in a more general or abstract way, without the need to specify which samples.


  • The report provides information on samples collected from various locations.
  • Researchers are conducting experiments on samples of different materials.
  • More intensive sampling requires more tests on samples of this size.
  • The shore hardness measurement is made on samples of the test subject itself.
  • Mr President, Commissioner, you have already partially answered the first question on samples.
  • Not all of the animals have reacted with negative results in the tests referred to in points II..1 and II..2 carried out on samples referred to in point II..3:
  • Any confirmatory test must be carried out on samples of serum taken from individual animals.
  • Studies with non-radio-labelled substances shall be carried out with representative substrates and preferably on samples from treated crops or animals with incurred residues.
  • They may be either performed on samples from treated crops or animals with incurred residues or by fortification experiments.
  • A population pharmacokinetics analysis was conducted on samples from over 1,100 MS patients receiving doses ranging from 3 to 6 mg/ kg natalizumab.
  • Tests shall be made on samples of raw cotton from each country of origin and before it passes through any wet treatment.
  • The use of ELISA for antigen detection is recommended on samples from animals with clinical signs or pathological lesions of disease.
  • The competent authority may give authorisation for the tests referred to in (d) to be carried out on samples collected in the quarantine station.
  • The animals must be subjected to the following tests carried out on samples of blood taken, if not specified otherwise, not earlier than 21 days after the commencing of the isolation period.
  • These tests will be on samples selected at random without causing distortion of the manufacturer's delivery commitments and in accordance with the criteria of annex 7.
  • or [immunofluorescence for viral antigen on samples of...;]]
  • Until appropriate provisions relating to their systematic and general application are adopted, the tests provided for in paragraph 1 may be carried out on samples by the competent agency designated by each of the Member States.
  • There shall be at least one check per week and per type of plastic material and its coating, on samples that have not been subjected to the test for simulated weathering (annex 14, paragraph 6.2).
  • Tests carried out on samples corresponding to the largest area, S, are considered to be applicable to any other area smaller than S + 5 %.
  • The analysis is based on samples of air which pass through a semi-permeable membrane and enter an ionisation chamber where an ionisation source emits beta particles resulting in ion formation in the gaseous phase.
  • were subjected to the following tests for Aujeszky's disease carried out on samples collected during the last 15 days of the period of quarantine specified in point II..1:
  • The following tests for seat leakage are to be conducted on samples of service valve or filling unit which have previously been subjected to the external leak test of paragraph 5. above.


  • on various samples
  • on different samples
  • on multiple samples
  • on a set of samples
  • on a group of samples

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