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His not coming vs He no coming

The correct phrase is 'he is not coming.' 'His not coming' is incorrect because 'his' is a possessive pronoun, not a subject pronoun. 'He no coming' is also incorrect because 'no' should be followed by 'is' to form the negative. The correct structure is 'subject + is + not + verb-ing.'

Last updated: March 24, 2024 • 4455 views

His not coming

'His not coming' is incorrect. 'His' is a possessive pronoun, not a subject pronoun.

Incorrect. 'His' should be replaced with 'he' to form the subject pronoun.
  • While you're giving him your best, you might want to tell him his dad's not coming back.
  • There's a kid that went to bed last night knowing that his dad's not coming home.
  • to where the shield was upon the wall, which in sooth tarried not for his full coming but fell down at his feet upon the silver floor with a mighty, great and terrible ringing sound.'
  • I called his sister in Phoenix, but she's not coming.
  • I'm not coming to his death bed.
  • Something in Proverbs... about not coming between a man and his wife.
  • He's not coming back to school until his service.
  • Not coming to his aid, you mean to build his character.
  • Meanwhile, his poor family has no idea that he's not coming home tonight.
  • If he values his life at all, he's not coming back.
  • Brian MacDonald's not coming, I want his recommendation who should assay that widow's claim.
  • But if they do, And if there's evidence of abuse that you're not coming forward with, It could hurt his chances.
  • He's locked himself in his room and he's not coming out.
  • Dye's going into his liver, but it's not coming out.
  • Just that he was sorry for not coming by before his flight.
  • [Hip-hop music] Odin's not coming for his money.
  • Big Biz from last night, he's on his way over with his boys, and he's not coming to apologize.
  • He's used to his father being away for extended periods of time, but... you know, this time he's not coming back.
  • In exchange for not suing the government over his 20-year ordeal, they're not coming after me for fraud.
  • You call him, tell him he's alone now and his mom and dad are not coming back.


  • He is not coming

He no coming

'He no coming' is incorrect. 'No' should be followed by 'is' to form the negative.

Incorrect. 'No' should be followed by 'is' to form the negative.
  • He had no call coming into your store at such an hour.
  • I had no idea he was coming in.
  • No, he's coming with us.
  • No, he wills coming tomorrow.
  • No, he's coming after you.
  • I had no idea he was coming into town with Diane Desmond.
  • Gary Blauman is here, and I had no idea he was coming.
  • And there's no way he's coming back to my place.
  • Thing is, he's coming, no question about it.
  • - If this thing goes bad and Opie has to go down that road, there's no way he's coming back.
  • I wouldn't be surprised if he had no intention of coming here.
  • No, he's coming with me.
  • They're staking out Shaun's aunt's house, but, there's no way he's coming back.
  • There's no way he's coming back to NTAC.
  • We need to find him before he kills somebody, because there's no coming back from that.
  • Once he's in this state, there is no coming down.
  • It's the end, there is no coming back, so you tell me - how has he survived?
  • No coming in after 10:00.
  • There's no coming back from that.
  • There's no coming back from this.


  • He is not coming

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