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helpful for my life vs helpful in my life

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'Helpful for my life' is used when referring to something that is beneficial or advantageous for one's life in general. On the other hand, 'helpful in my life' is used when talking about something that has been beneficial or useful in specific situations or experiences in one's life.

Last updated: March 26, 2024 • 2682 views

helpful for my life

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to something that is beneficial or advantageous for one's life in general.

This phrase is used to indicate that something is beneficial or advantageous for one's life overall.


  • Regular exercise is helpful for my life.
  • Learning new skills is helpful for my life.
  • Positive thinking is helpful for my life.
  • Having a supportive network of friends is helpful for my life.
  • Eating a balanced diet is helpful for my life.
  • And though not real, Eve Harrington, Howard Beale, Mildred Pierce are an opportunity to discover what it is to be human, and no less helpful to understanding our life and times as Shakespeare is in illuminating the world of Elizabethan England.
  • The LED illumination shows colours as they really are. Helpful for efficient diagnostics plus an almost LED unlimited service life.
  • One thing we do know, life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness.
  • Alone time can be helpful for some types.
  • It's said to be helpful for acting.
  • Your husband has been really helpful for the last few weeks.
  • Might be helpful for you to talk to some of her squad mates.
  • Your boy is very helpful for our lead suspect.
  • A common database could also be helpful for journalists and the public.
  • A little success rate control would be helpful for all concerned.
  • I believe that technically this will be helpful for the amendment.
  • Your boy is very helpful for our lead suspect.
  • It's helpful for society if its members have positive feelings about that society.
  • His potions will make a good medicine that will be helpful for many people.
  • I do not believe it is helpful for any country to institutionalise minorities.
  • Here the introduction of a passport for implant recipients and compulsory aftercare examinations might also be helpful for gathering data.
  • We should realise how such hypocrisy and double standards are helpful for various neo-Nazis etc.
  • As a result, the support would also be helpful for resettlement.
  • It is very helpful for all the political groups to be able to debate this important issue.
  • This should be helpful for market surveillance intervention once that legislation enters into force.


  • beneficial for my life
  • advantageous for my life
  • good for my life

helpful in my life

This phrase is correct and commonly used when talking about something that has been beneficial or useful in specific situations or experiences in one's life.

This phrase is used to indicate that something has been beneficial or useful in specific situations or experiences in one's life.


  • Her advice was helpful in my life decision.
  • The therapy sessions were helpful in my life journey.
  • The book was helpful in my life transformation.
  • His guidance was helpful in my life choices.
  • The meditation practice was helpful in my life stress management.
  • And though not real, Eve Harrington, Howard Beale, Mildred Pierce are an opportunity to discover what it is to be human, and no less helpful to understanding our life and times as Shakespeare is in illuminating the world of Elizabethan England.
  • Visual cues can be helpful in triggering memories.
  • The control system is not helpful in this.
  • And DNA can be very helpful in court.
  • We find that being around family is very helpful in recovery from depression.
  • Now, I downloaded an app that might be helpful in this situation.
  • Now, I downloaded an app that might be helpful in this situation.
  • That's not entirely helpful in a house like this.
  • That's not going to be very helpful in Pakistan.
  • David was always very helpful in... arranging intrοductiοns.
  • It's just you were so very helpful in getting me off.
  • He's been extremely helpful in all our endeavors here.
  • I think they'll be helpful in preparing for the rebuttal.
  • He's been extremely helpful in a number of homicide investigations.
  • Please attach any photographic evidence which might be helpful in identifying the child, sibling or parent.
  • Please attach any photographic evidence provided, which might be helpful in identifying the person concerned.
  • Exclusive distribution or similar restrictions may be helpful in avoiding such free-riding.
  • So the dinosaurs were not helpful in this game.
  • Electricity was also very helpful in liberating women.
  • Data from Unesco and the Erasmus Programme are helpful in understanding trends in student mobility, particularly regarding regions of origin.


  • beneficial in my life
  • useful in my life
  • effective in my life

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