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integrate in life vs integrate into life

Both "integrate in life" and "integrate into life" are not commonly used phrases in English. The correct phrase is "integrate into life." The preposition "into" is used to indicate movement toward the inside or middle of something, which is appropriate when talking about integrating into a new environment or situation.

Last updated: March 27, 2024 • 1133 views

integrate in life

This phrase is not commonly used in English.

The preposition "in" is not typically used with the verb "integrate" in English. Instead, use "into" to indicate movement toward the inside or middle of something.
  • This fund could be used to finance new infrastructures to integrate women into public life.
  • The European institutions should encourage urban renewal strategies, in conjunction with sustainable social policies, with a view to improving land-use and planning, in order to prevent exclusion and make it easier for the most vulnerable members of society to integrate into city life.
  • 2.1 agrees that the EU employment and social policy should systematically integrate a life course approach to support the reform and the implementation of the Lisbon agenda;
  • - Young people are sometimes faced with discrimination on the grounds of their age and lack of occupational experience, accentuated by other factors such as gender, social origin or race, all of which make it more difficult for them to integrate into economic life and society.
  • Calls on the Commission and the Member States to take the necessary measures to promote access without physical barriers to workplaces and homes for people with disabilities as a means of helping them integrate into working life;
  • Part of having feelings is learning to integrate them into your life, Data, learning to live with them
  • This provision integrates in substance EP amendment 29.
  • It is vital that those receiving international protection integrate in their host country.
  • The outside world should do all it can to help the Albanian speakers integrate in their country.
  • I consider it important that the candidate countries should not flag in their efforts to integrate in this respect.
  • The ability to integrate in the world economy is beneficial to all countries, whether rich or poor.
  • In fact, we see that a country's progress is very clearly linked to its capacity to integrate in a global economy.
  • The Union should adopt common priorities and criteria which Member States should integrate in their national implementation plans.
  • Asks the Commission to integrate in the Corporate Governance Action Plan measures:
  • support to OCTs' efforts to integrate in regional networks and initiatives;
  • The Cotonou Agreement provides the instruments to help ACP countries to integrate in the world economy and to reduce poverty.
  • The objective of these measures is to bring the rural economies of the applicant countries into line with the CAP, so that they can integrate in the immediate future.
  • Member States will then be able to integrate in taxes or tolls levied the actual costs incurred by traffic-based air and noise pollution, whereas up to now, only infrastructure-related costs could be charged.
  • The European Union is certainly committed to an ambitious, balanced and comprehensive conclusion to the World Trade Oorganisation Doha Round, and of course integrates in its analysis the external dimension of reform options.
  • At the same time, the resolution called on the Commission systematically to integrate in its proposals the relevant impact assessments for all animal protection and welfare measures.


  • integrate into life
  • become integrated into life
  • blend into life
  • merge into life
  • assimilate into life

integrate into life

This phrase is the correct and commonly used form in English.

Use "integrate into life" when talking about becoming a part of or adapting to a new environment or situation.
  • The European institutions should encourage urban renewal strategies, in conjunction with sustainable social policies, with a view to improving land-use and planning, in order to prevent exclusion and make it easier for the most vulnerable members of society to integrate into city life.
  • This fund could be used to finance new infrastructures to integrate women into public life.
  • - Young people are sometimes faced with discrimination on the grounds of their age and lack of occupational experience, accentuated by other factors such as gender, social origin or race, all of which make it more difficult for them to integrate into economic life and society.
  • Calls on the Commission and the Member States to take the necessary measures to promote access without physical barriers to workplaces and homes for people with disabilities as a means of helping them integrate into working life;
  • Part of having feelings is learning to integrate them into your life, Data, learning to live with them
  • This will give an incentive to the Palestinian people, an incentive to the moderate reform forces in Palestine and the Hamas forces to integrate peacefully into the democratic life of Palestine.
  • believes that a special effort should be made to integrate migrants effectively into city life, this being the way to resolve related problems;
  • 2.1 agrees that the EU employment and social policy should systematically integrate a life course approach to support the reform and the implementation of the Lisbon agenda;
  • - helping young people who live in rural and disadvantaged areas to integrate into cultural, social and working life;
  • A full-scale, pay model gambling app that integrates into existing social media.
  • When they leave the institution, they find it really difficult to cope and to integrate into society.
  • It integrates into a single programme the Community action intervening in the pre-production and post-production phases.
  • Fully integrates into & kde; which is vital for business environments.
  • Mr President, this debate is not about how the European Union will integrate into Turkey; it is about how Turkey will integrate into the European Union.
  • Your goal was to design androids to integrate into the police force, but you created so much more than that.
  • Measures to combat social exclusion should aim at enabling everyone to support himself or herself, by gainful employment or otherwise, and to integrate into society.
  • · State-building and market-building are the key challenges to integrate into the global system those developing countries that are currently effectively excluded from it.
  • · It is disappointing that essentially no EU funds are devoted to helping third-country nationals to integrate into the EU.
  • In this way, asylum seekers will gain independence, integrate into the host society and reduce the social expenditure allocated to them.
  • The Member States should create better conditions for immigrants to integrate into our societies, whilst still retaining a pride in their origins.


  • become integrated into life
  • blend into life
  • merge into life
  • assimilate into life

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