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rigid-flexible vs stiff-flexible

Both "rigid-flexible" and "stiff-flexible" are correct phrases, but they are used in slightly different contexts. "Rigid-flexible" emphasizes a strong contrast between rigidity and flexibility, while "stiff-flexible" may imply a less extreme difference. The choice between the two depends on the level of contrast you want to convey.

Last updated: March 30, 2024 • 873 views


This phrase is correct and commonly used to emphasize a strong contrast between rigidity and flexibility.

This phrase is used to describe something that has both rigid and flexible characteristics, highlighting the extreme differences between the two qualities.
  • These can be either rigid or flexible with a wide range of uses in the building and other trades as structural components, sealers, fillers, moulds and adhesives.
  • 'Guided load': load where the total movement is made along rigid or flexible guides, whose position is determined by fixed points.
  • Capturing is rigid, seizing is flexible.
  • Crops, which for the whole of their period of growth or for the predominant part of it are covered by greenhouses or fixed or mobile high cover (glass or rigid or flexible plastic).
  • Flowers and ornamental plants (excluding nurseries), which for the whole of their period of growth or for the predominant part of it are covered by greenhouses or fixed or mobile high cover (glass or rigid or flexible plastic).
  • Identification of, and types of rigid and flexible pipes and their connectors used in aircraft;
  • With this test has to be found out whether a plastic is to be classed into the categories of rigid or flexible plastics.
  • Success depends on a thorough overhaul of a rigid, threatening system - flexible pathways between training systems, schools and businesses could indeed create new opportunities.
  • At the fixing point, the fuel line, flexible or rigid, shall be fitted in such a way that there is no metal to metal contact.
  • - for the Business: manufacture of disposable, flexible and rigid packaging products;
  • Rigid fuel lines and flexible fuel lines shall be designed to reasonably minimise stresses in the lines during removal or installation of adjoining hydrogen components.
  • At fixing points, rigid fuel lines and flexible fuel lines shall be fitted in such a way that galvanic and crevice corrosion are prevented.
  • Intermediate bulk container (IBC) means a rigid, or flexible portable packaging, other than those specified in Chapter 6.1, that:
  • The Stability and Growth Pact is neither complicated nor rigid; it is flexible and simple enough, with its rule of no new debts in good times and up to 3% of GDP room to manoeuvre in bad ones.
  • As to the point about being flexible or rigid, we need to keep some flexibility in our agenda
  • (d) 'Guided load': load where the total movement is made along rigid or flexible guides, whose position is determined by fixed points.
  • Plastic tubes, pipes and hoses (excluding artificial guts, sausage skins, rigid, flexible tubes and pipes having a minimum burst pressure of 27,6 MPa)
  • Both rigid and flexible pipes carrying fluids, particularly those under high pressure, must be able to withstand the foreseen internal and external stresses and must be firmly attached and/or protected against all manner of external stresses and strains;
  • clubs or batons - rigid or flexible (e.g. billy clubs, blackjacks, nightsticks and batons),
  • not more than 1,5 m3; for solids of Packing Group I when packed in flexible, rigid plastics, composite, fibreboard and wooden IBCs;


  • stiff-flexible
  • hard-soft
  • inflexible-adaptable
  • unyielding-pliant
  • tough-malleable


This phrase is correct and can be used to describe something that has both stiff and flexible qualities, but it may imply a less extreme difference compared to "rigid-flexible".

This phrase is also used to describe the combination of stiff and flexible characteristics, but it may suggest a more moderate contrast between the two qualities.
  • In our next project, we explore the possibility of creating a cape and skirt - this was for a Paris fashion show with Iris van Herpen - like a second skin that are made of a single part, stiff at the contours, flexible around the waist.


  • rigid-flexible
  • hard-soft
  • inflexible-adaptable
  • unyielding-pliant
  • tough-malleable

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