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employment level vs level of employment

Both "employment level" and "level of employment" are correct phrases in English. They are interchangeable and can be used depending on personal preference or the context of the sentence.

Last updated: March 25, 2024 • 950 views

employment level

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase refers to the amount or number of people who are employed in a particular area or industry.


  • The country's employment level has been steadily increasing over the past year.
  • The company is concerned about the current employment level in the region.
  • As we can all see, the things that were proposed in Lisbon, namely an employment level of 70% and so on, are progressing extremely slowly.
  • The employment level of the Community industry declined by around 10 % between 2002 and the IP.
  • In line with the increase in sales, the employment level of the Union industry shows an increase of 10 % between 2008 and the ERIP.
  • The output per person employed by the Community industry per year increased by 6 % between 2002 and the RIP, due to the reduced employment level of the same magnitude with stable production in the Community industry.
  • Further, Romania claims that the increase in the employment level was never a criterion in the tender procedure.
  • As a consequence of company closures and restructuring, the employment level in the period considered never reached the levels noted during the original investigation.
  • The employment level of the Community industry decreased by around 17 % between 1999 and the IP.
  • This is particularly obvious in the RIP, when production increased while the employment level continued to decrease and productivity was 48 percentage points higher than in 2009.
  • This is particularly obvious in 2011, when production increased while the employment level continued to decrease and productivity was 20 percentage points higher than in 2009.
  • With this in mind he recommends a sufficient level of minimum guarantee pensions and increasing the employment level among women in a bid to promote equal opportunities.
  • The employment level of the Community industry increased by 13 % from 2003 to the IP.
  • The employment level largely followed the development of the production volumes (see Table 5 above), which indicates that the Union industry has attempted to rationalise manufacturing costs when it was necessary.
  • The employment level of the Union industry shows a decrease of 9 percentage points between 2009 and the RIP.
  • Effects of loss of workforce would be particularly hard felt in this sector as many of the Community industry producers are located in rural areas and have substantial importance for the employment level of the local population.
  • In Romania the official data published in March 2010 indicates an employment level far below the minimum level envisaged by the EU 2020 strategy (50% as opposed to 75%), with the downward spiral continuing due to the current economic climate.
  • And thirdly, it is also very important to ensure that people receive the appropriate training so that - I repeat - the competitiveness of the European textile industry can allow it to survive and maintain the employment level we all want.
  • The employment level of the Community industry first decreased by 32 % between 2002 and 2003, increased by 27 percentage points in 2004, before decreasing by 13 percentage points in 2005 and a further 26 percentage points in the IP.
  • The employment level of the Community industry first increased by 9 % between 2002 and 2003, declined by 11 percentage points in 2004, and declined further by 4 percentage points in the IP.
  • The beneficiary is required to produce at the moment of the payment a document that proves the conversion of the 290 employment contracts and a bank guarantee for four years to ensure that the company's employment level will be maintained during this period.
  • percentage change from the same period a year ago (left-hand scale) percentage change against the previous period (left-hand scale) total employment level: index 1995 = 100 (right-hand scale) 2.0


  • level of employment
  • job level
  • workforce level
  • employment rate
  • employment status

level of employment

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase also refers to the amount or number of people who are employed in a particular area or industry.


  • The government is analyzing the level of employment in the country.
  • The level of employment in the technology sector is quite high.
  • The level of employment is determined by a large number of factors.
  • The other Community industry producers kept their level of employment fairly stable although facing decreasing production.
  • But if we want sustainable growth for a high level of employment, we need monetary policy to accompany this movement.
  • Any award criterion connected with safeguarding the level of employment must therefore be specified clearly in the contract notice, so that undertakings are made aware that such a condition applies.
  • A high level of employment is a vital basis for sustainable development in society.
  • In this way it will contribute to promoting economic and social progress thanks to an increased level of employment.
  • Achieving a high level of employment will strengthen the prospects for state social protection.
  • Denmark had the highest level of employment, Poland the lowest.
  • In short, a high level of employment.
  • You say that average working hours are a variable linked to the level of employment.
  • We set ourselves the objective of promoting economic and social progress, with a high level of employment as well.
  • promotion of a high level of employment, the
  • Demographic projections highlight the importance of reaching a high level of employment in the coming years to prevent an increase in social tension.
  • Hence, price stability is the most important contribution that monetary policy can make to achieve a favourable economic environment and a high level of employment.
  • In fact only if the level of employment is significantly raised can the Lisbon strategy be regarded as successful.
  • This, in turn, supports the achievement of other economic policy goals such as sustainable growth and a high level of employment.
  • Attaining sustainable and non-inflationary growth and a high level of employment are other important goals.
  • However, price stability is the most important contribution that monetary policy can make to achieve a favourable economic environment and a high level of employment.
  • the level of employment in the fisheries sector,
  • The report itself states that the European economy is now used to functioning with an inadequate level of employment.


  • employment level
  • job level
  • workforce level
  • employment rate
  • employment status

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