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clustering is done using vs is done using

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "Clustering is done using" is used when specifically referring to the process of clustering data, while "is done using" is a more general phrase that can be used in various contexts.

Last updated: March 21, 2024 • 895 views

clustering is done using

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to the process of clustering data.

This phrase is used when explaining how clustering is performed on a dataset, indicating the method or algorithm used for clustering.


  • Clustering is done using the K-means algorithm.
  • The data points are grouped together based on similarity, and clustering is done using various techniques.
  • In this study, clustering is done using hierarchical clustering.
  • The software automates the process where clustering is done using a combination of algorithms.
  • Researchers have shown that clustering is done using different approaches in different domains.
  • Clustering is done using the k-means algorithm as explained in. Section 3 with k = 2. Table 1. K-Means Algorithm. S.No. Steps. 1. Choose the value of k. 2.
  • SVM using an RBF kernel, tuned by cross-validation; clustering is done using the technique. [1], tuned through more cross-validation. In addition, we also ...
  • Step 5:- Document clustering is done using k-means clustering algorithm. The email consists of structured information such as email header and unstructured ...
  • class. This identification has two parts, clustering and filtering. Clustering is done using agglomerative clustering algorithm to identify the classes to be extracted.


  • Clustering is performed using
  • Clustering is accomplished using
  • Clustering is executed using
  • Clustering is carried out using
  • Clustering is achieved using

is done using

This phrase is correct and can be used in a general context to indicate the method or means by which something is done.

This phrase is more versatile and can be used in various situations to describe how a task or process is carried out.


  • The experiment is done using a specific protocol.
  • The analysis is done using statistical software.
  • The repairs are done using specialized tools.
  • The cooking is done using traditional methods.
  • The translation is done using machine learning algorithms.
  • How to Check if Steak Is Done Using the Finger Test. Two Parts:Cooking Your SteakChecking Your SteakQuestions and Answers. Cooking steaks for dinner but  ...
  • Jan 20, 2016 ... How Prediction of Diabetes is done Using Bayesian Networks? What techniques and algorithms are used for predicting diabetes using ...
  • This is done using a narrow tube-like instrument called a hysteroscope. The hysteroscope is very slim (about 3 to 5 millimetres in diameter). It's carefully passed ...
  • Sep 20, 2015 ... Getting notified when my laundry is done using the WeMo Insight switch and IFTTT. While I normally would remember to switch my clothes from ...


  • is performed using
  • is accomplished using
  • is executed using
  • is carried out using
  • is achieved using

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