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fundamental in supporting vs fundamental to support

Both phrases are correct and commonly used in English. They convey a similar meaning but with a slight difference in emphasis. 'Fundamental in supporting' emphasizes the role of the subject in the process of supporting, while 'fundamental to support' emphasizes the importance of the support itself.

Last updated: March 23, 2024 • 1547 views

fundamental in supporting

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to emphasize the essential role of something in the process of supporting or enabling something else.
  • Voluntary activity in sport forms the basis for the organisation, administration and implementation of sport activities in new Member States and plays a fundamental role in supporting the entire sport structure.
  • But in the quarter-century since then, we've seen all of the fundamental supporting technologies go berserk.
  • Madam President, Parliament, the Council and the Commission are at one in supporting the fundamental objective of combating unemployment in the EU.
  • Transparent funding is a fundamental element of supporting democratic values and promoting good governance.
  • In such cases, Community assistance shall primarily be used to support non-state actors for measures aimed at promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms and supporting the democratisation process in partner countries.
  • The Union's commitment to supporting fundamental rights and fighting discrimination was made very clear in the Amsterdam Treaty and this is, for me, a crucial development of the European message.
  • 2. In such cases, Community assistance shall primarily be used to support non-state actors for measures aimed at promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms and supporting the democratisation process in partner countries.
  • Co-financing requirements may be waived in duly justified cases and when this is necessary to support the development of civil society and non-state actors for measures aimed at promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms and supporting democratisation.
  • On the contrary, it needs to be expanded and its scope widened, given that it is way behind almost every European constitution when it comes to supporting fundamental rights.
  • In this regard, we would like to thank Parliament for its support for our intention to move towards genuine application of the Lisbon strategy by concentrating efforts on achieving fundamental objectives and supporting common policies, including the common agricultural policy.
  • We regard them as fundamental activities for supporting thousands of families with a strong cultural and social impact on vast strata of the population and typical of one particular national identity.
  • the need to reconcile more competitiveness initiatives with the European project's fundamental objective of supporting economic, social and territorial cohesion, which is a winning factor.
  • Continue the process to agree on and adopt changes to the constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina that will contribute to creating more functional and fiscally sustainable institutional structures, improving respect for human and fundamental rights and supporting the process of European integration.
  • Public funding may be necessary for the purposes of supporting fundamental research and addressing long-term needs, but is clearly insufficient for the purposes of ensuring adequate infrastructures and human resources for most fields of applied research.
  • The Participants share a common interest in supporting democracy, accountable governance and rule of law as a fundamental contribution to peace and security.
  • The High Representative (HR) and the Commission are fully engaged in supporting the transition in Libya and have made clear that this must be on the basis of the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.
  • The report also rightly underlines the fundamental role of the institutions in supporting equal treatment: they play a key role in monitoring, providing support for victims and improving awareness of rights.
  • We must succeed in supporting the entire economic chain, from fundamental research through to the market launch of products, and in bringing the best solutions for our society onto the market.
  • In supporting the full integration of these countries, we are demonstrating our Community solidarity and supporting the European idea and the fundamental right of the freedom of movement of citizens within the European Union, thereby creating a stronger Europe.
  • I had no problems in supporting this resolution.


  • essential in supporting
  • crucial in supporting
  • vital in supporting
  • key in supporting
  • critical in supporting

fundamental to support

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to highlight the importance of something in providing support or assistance.
  • Therefore, it is fundamental to support entrepreneurship and bureaucratic and fiscal relief for small and medium-sized enterprises.
  • In fact, I believe that is fundamental to support a key factor in the European economy: small and medium-sized enterprises, in particular those in manufacturing, which are, by nature, less inclined to innovation and more vulnerable to the globalisation of the economy.
  • Furthermore, the CAP will remain a fundamental instrument to support regional economies.
  • Europe has long ceased to be a leader in the area of is of fundamental importance to support innovative projects.
  • Programme of Grantová agentura České republiky - Czech Science Foundation to support fundamental research
  • In both decisions the social dimension of Europe is seen as fundamental to citizens' support for the European Union project.
  • The reports of the Court of Auditors are a fundamental support to us in doing this.
  • I agree with Mrs Grabowska that the Member States should provide more fundamental support to non-governmental organisations.
  • This confirms the shared determination of the Commission and Parliament to encourage civil society to take action to support fundamental rights based on a preventive, positive and constructive approach.
  • Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving an individual aid: Programme of Grantová agentura České republiky - Czech Science Foundation to support fundamental research
  • The second point is the emphasis placed on the fundamental role of research to support an effective fisheries policy.
  • This support is fundamental to helping the unemployed and victims of relocation which occur in the context of globalisation.
  • To provide the fundamental support this long-term strategy requires will involve specific commitments in the field of technological research.
  • Mr President, first let me express my thanks to the rapporteur and all those who have voiced fundamental support for the proposals contained in our action plan.
  • Please allow me to draw your attention to a point that I regard as crucial, but which does not put a question mark against our fundamental support.
  • In my view, fundamental support for the European Parliament's measures to stabilise the financial markets in the current financial crisis is a particularly good decision.
  • We are not drafting a Constitution for Europe designed to last only a few years, and here we are relying on the fundamental support of the European Parliament.
  • The Union will continue to support reform efforts and will at the same time make use of all new instruments, assistance from the Structural Funds, respect for fundamental rights, support for social dialogue and the establishment of proven approaches.
  • The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights provides fundamental support for respect for human rights in Colombia.
  • The fundamental support for the agreement from all 27 Member States confirms the validity of the Lisbon Strategy, as it is one of the four pillars upon which the entire Strategy actually rests.


  • essential to support
  • crucial to support
  • vital to support
  • key to support
  • critical to support

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