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is invaluable in acquiring vs invaluable in acquiring

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "Is invaluable in acquiring" is used when emphasizing the importance of something in the process of acquiring something else. "Invaluable in acquiring" is used to describe something as extremely useful or valuable in the process of acquiring something.

Last updated: March 20, 2024 • 778 views

is invaluable in acquiring

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to emphasize the importance of something in the process of acquiring something else.
  • Reason certainly has a legitimate role to play in our lives; it is invaluable in acquiring knowledge and is at the foundation of the scientific process. But it does not ...
  • A carefully planned Internet Marketing strategy can effectively empower your company with greater brand visibility, which is invaluable in acquiring an edge over ...
  • This hands-on experience is invaluable in acquiring the necessary understanding of operational processes. This understanding is necessary to become a.
  • ... which is invaluable in acquiring a basic understanding of the movement that Wagner has so effective catalyzed. Kicking off his lecture, Wagner tells the class:.

invaluable in acquiring

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to describe something as extremely useful or valuable in the process of acquiring something.
  • My training was invaluable in acquiring a measure of scientific judgement and in becoming a lifelong lover of science.” Professor Chris Pierret holding a large ...
  • Feb 11, 2016 ... It allows you to sharpen both your learning and teaching skills and can be invaluable in acquiring experience that can be put toward a future ...
  • The Go Pro® HD video camera was invaluable in acquiring the required test data . ..................................... 9 · Figure 9. FS Recorder allows for a multitude of aircraft ...
  • Reason certainly has a legitimate role to play in our lives; it is invaluable in acquiring knowledge and is at the foundation of the scientific process. But it does not ...

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