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study at a university vs study in a university

Both 'study at a university' and 'study in a university' are commonly used and correct. The choice between 'at' and 'in' depends on the context and the specific location being referred to.

Last updated: March 27, 2024 • 2219 views

study at a university

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to indicate the act of studying in the general vicinity or premises of a university.


  • I want to study at a university in the United States.
  • She decided to study at a university abroad.
  • May 5, 2016 ... #4 - Sally: I cannot study at a university where there is an · PowerScore Staff · Posts: 8747 · Joined: Feb 02, 2011.
  • Can someone help me out? Sally: I cannot study at a university with an alcohol problem â†' If nothing done about the alcohol problem then I ...
  • Apr 14, 2021 ... What master's degree is recommended to study at a university for establishing a start-up after learning computer science? [closed] · Maybe just ...
  • Preoperative hypoalbuminaemia in liver surgery: an observational study at a university medical centre. BMJ Open. 2023 May 18;13(5):e068405. doi: 10.1136/ ...
  • What is it like to study at a university in Japan? All related (33). Recommended. Profile photo for ChatGPT. ChatGPT. ·. Bot. Studying at a university in Japan ...
  • A prospective, descriptive pressure ulcer risk factor and prevalence study at a university hospital in Turkey. Ostomy Wound Manage. 2007 Feb;53(2):44-56 ...
  • Should I continue to study at a university in Hong Kong in 2020? All related (32). Recommended. Profile photo for Derek Gould. Derek Gould. Studied at The ...
  • Sally: I cannot study at a university where there is an alcohol problem. So unless something is done about the alcohol problem at this university, I'll have ...


  • attend a university
  • enroll in a university
  • pursue studies at a university
  • take courses at a university
  • be a student at a university

study in a university

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to indicate the act of studying within the physical boundaries or buildings of a university.


  • He is currently studying in a university in London.
  • They offer a wide range of courses to study in the university.
  • I study at a university in Boston.
  • 'diplôme d'études spécialisées de médecine délivré par les universités' (diploma of specialized studies in medicine awarded by a university);
  • '- ''le diplôme d'études spécialisées de médecine délivré par les universités;'' (diploma of specialized studies in medicine awarded by a university);'
  • And from early education to study at a university, you are narrowed.
  • implementation of European integration studies in universities,
  • implementation of European integration studies in universities,
  • They went to Spain to study in the university.
  • The Erasmus programme allows around 200000 students annually to study at a university other than the one with which they are enrolled.
  • If things do not improve, we have to give these young people a place to study in European universities here among us.
  • Such programmes do exist in the Member States - at the Centre for East European Studies in the University of Warsaw in Poland, for example.
  • have completed legal studies attested by a university qualification and have a detailed knowledge of Community law,
  • In this framework, it becomes necessary to encourage young people to continue their studies to university level.
  • A significant number of young Greeks study at universities in Bulgaria and Romania.
  • Thousands of EU citizens study at universities outside the countries of which they hold citizenship.
  • We should provide assistance to those who have lost their jobs and allow students who have been thrown out of university to study in other countries.
  • on the creation of a European university for studies in olive oil
  • A similar situation exists after the completion of university studies in the area of continued education for women outside the academic sphere, confirming that both phenomena have the same causes, which are rooted in longstanding gender inequality.
  • The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has stated that the conditions of access to vocational training, including university studies in general, fall within the scope of the treaty for the purposes of Article 12, which prohibits discrimination on grounds of nationality.
  • She went to school in French Morocco, and did her University studies in Canada (B.A. and M.A., Univ. of Toronto, Ph.D., McGill Univ.).
  • This should be viewed as something long-term, right from the beginning of studies in universities: various exchange programmes, the promotion of internships in companies, perhaps even consultations between universities and companies when devising curricula.


  • study on a university campus
  • study within a university
  • study inside a university
  • study within the university premises
  • study within the university walls

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