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increase in population vs increase of population

Both 'increase in population' and 'increase of population' are correct and commonly used phrases in English. They are interchangeable and can be used depending on personal preference or the context of the sentence.

Last updated: March 25, 2024 • 1179 views

increase in population

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to describe the growth or rise in the number of people living in a specific area or region.


  • The increase in population has put a strain on the city's resources.
  • We have seen a steady increase in population over the past decade.
  • Some have focused on the issue itself and others on the relationship between the dramatic increase in population and the number of people still lacking food.
  • The countries of North Africa are facing a sudden increase in population, with more than 50 % of inhabitants aged under 30, and a particularly high rate of unemployment, particularly among young graduates.
  • Enlargement will mean a large increase in population and geographical area, but also a dangerous increase in regional disparities.
  • Do we understand the ethical issue that is posed for us by the huge increase in population in Africa, the problem of poor people surrounding this increasingly small island of privilege which is Europe?
  • Taking into account those who leave, the net increase in population is about 200000 per year, or a million people every five years.
  • The fact is that extreme weather events are no more frequent today than they were a hundred years ago, and that the polar bear, far from being threatened as a species, has in fact shown a dramatic increase in population over the last few decades.
  • At the same time, the challenges presented by the current global food crisis and the steady increase in population heighten the importance of, and indeed render essential, the search for new solutions.
  • We have a rapidly growing population in Ireland - it is the fastest-growing population in Europe, both in terms of natural increase in population as well as overall growth.
  • The dramatic reduction of the birth rate on our continent and the parallel increase of average life expectancy, together with headlong economic development and the increase in population shown by some other parts of the planet, make the situation here particularly disadvantageous.
  • As he put it, in one sense the increase in population and associated activities would inevitably lead to some environmental damage and, while the emphasis should be placed on prevention, those responsible for causing pollution should be identified.


  • growth in population
  • rise in population
  • expansion of population
  • surge in population
  • escalation in population

increase of population

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is also used to indicate the growth or rise in the number of people living in a specific area or region.


  • The increase of population in the urban areas has led to housing shortages.
  • The increase of population is a significant factor in the city's development plans.
  • With the increase of ageing populations, the incidence of Alzheimer's is due to further increase within the next few decades.
  • The acquisition of full ownership was also driven by official forecasts of population increases.
  • Abnormal population increase of living organisms.
  • Concentration increases populations of both pathogen and competing saprophytic bacteria and is recommended only if it does not result in inhibition of the isolation test.
  • EP while accepting the top down approach considers that an increase between 16 and 17 %. is necessary to better correspond to the increase of the Population criteria (+ 20 %).
  • There will be a substantial increase in the population of Africa whereas development prospects remains bleak.
  • In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in the population of great cormorants on the Finnish coast.
  • Enlargement would increase the population of the EU by more than a third, bringing it to 500 m as compared with the current 370 m.
  • Since 1997, about 6 million migrants have entered the UK.About 4 million have left, leaving a net population increase of over 2 million.
  • In the last ten years, more than 80% of the increase in the population of Europe has been attributable to immigration.
  • Consequently, irrespective of how intensively we need to act on the problem of employment, and you are quite right that we need to create more and more jobs, we also need to act directly to increase the population of Europe.
  • According to this scenario, global energy consumption would rise by 1.8 % per year with a population increase of 1 % and an annual increase in per capita wealth of 2.1 % per year, implying an overall reduction in energy intensity of -1.2 % per year.
  • We have a rapidly growing population in Ireland - it is the fastest-growing population in Europe, both in terms of natural increase in population as well as overall growth.
  • That would not increase the suffering of the population of Zimbabwe.
  • In its opinion EFSA concludes that the breeding programmes increase the robustness of sheep populations against the currently known TSEs and therefore contributes to both improved animal health and consumer protection.
  • Anthropologists have theorized that wars break out when there's an increase in the population of unmarried men under the age of 25
  • A marked increase in the population of the states on the southern shore of the Mediterranean, combined with economic development that cannot keep pace with that, have meant that more and more people there cannot gain access to education or employment.
  • The signing of the Interim Agreement should be seen as step by the EU towards Turkmenistan and an attempt to increase the welfare of the population through trade.
  • Another aim is to increase employment of the older population, raise the retirement age, etc.
  • You started your question with a very clear analysis that there is a division of labour and division of competences, but it is very clear that the Commission is strongly behind all efforts to increase the proportion of the population with the highest possible level of education.


  • growth of population
  • rise of population
  • expansion of population
  • surge of population
  • escalation of population

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