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build stock vs increase stock

Both phrases are correct, but they have different meanings and contexts. 'Build stock' refers to the act of creating or accumulating a supply of something, while 'increase stock' means to raise the quantity or value of an existing stock. The choice between the two depends on whether you are talking about creating a new stock or adding to an existing one.

Last updated: March 29, 2024 • 1076 views

build stock

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when referring to the act of creating or accumulating a supply of something, such as goods, products, or inventory.


  • The company plans to build stock to meet the increasing demand.
  • We need to build stock before the holiday season.
  • The farmer is building stock for the winter months.
  • In addition, these campaign discounts are only partly observable at the retail level as campaign discounts can aim at pushing retailers to build stock or to grant better visibility to albums.
  • Besides, the Commission considers that in parallel this will make it possible to build up stocks again to an acceptable level.
  • The Commission may, where necessary, decide to build up emergency stocks.
  • Importers used the annulment of the anti-dumping duties to build up stocks in 2011/2012 and put these products on the EU market at cheap prices during the review investigation period.
  • As explained in recital 241 above, such repairs/rebuilds are inherent to this sector and it is customary to build up stock in view of repairing/rebuilding a furnace allowing a continuation of supply to key customers.
  • Sapard, unlike the Structural Funds, could not build on a stock of projects already in the pipeline as at 1 January 2000.
  • The Agency may also build up a stock of nuclear materials, in accordance with the Articles 62 and 72 of the Treaty.
  • The IP ended in September, i.e. before the full effect of stock build-up is felt.
  • As a further consequence of this isolation, higher production costs result from dependence in terms of raw materials and energy, from the obligation to build up stocks and from difficulties affecting the supply of production equipment.
  • on the contrary they may build up stocks when the prices are low.
  • It would be irresponsible to allow expensive intervention stocks to build up again which would eventually send CAP expenditure through the roof.
  • This is why agricultural producers have been asked to increase their production, especially of wheat and maize, and build up their food stocks again in 2012.
  • Stock levels were significantly higher in 2007 which was due to rising steel tube prices that led the companies to build up higher stocks.
  • To this end, it is necessary to build up security stocks which can be used in a coordinated manner in such circumstances at Community level.
  • the need to build up considerable stocks of spare parts for vessels;
  • We should now start to think more seriously about how we could build up fish stocks sustainably and ensure that we are also able to fish in the future.
  • I am particularly pleased that the last Irish Presidency proposed the initiative of a major EU programme to make fishing activity more environmentally friendly in order to help to build European fish stocks.
  • This fall is mainly explained by the fact that stocks usually build up at the end of each calendar year to allow for reduced production volumes during the winter months when energy costs peak.
  • A stock build is shown as a positive number and a stock draw is shown as a negative number.
  • The Council was prepared to allow existing stocks to be used up, but this could have led to an artificial build-up of stocks as a means of getting round this cut-off point.


  • stock up
  • accumulate stock
  • create stock
  • gather stock
  • amass stock

increase stock

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when referring to raising the quantity or value of an existing stock, such as shares of a company or products in a store.


  • The company plans to increase stock levels to meet the demand.
  • They decided to increase stock of the popular item.
  • The store needs to increase stock before the sale.
  • We must increase stocks and therefore boost production, which in turn will require proper refinancing.
  • In order to react within a very short time to very specific orders the Union industry had to increase stocks.
  • It is necessary to make provision for the coefficient to be adjusted in particular to guard against the possibility that payments of the refunds might serve to increase stocks abnormally.
  • Despite turbulence, global stock markets show overall increases Stock markets in most industrialised countries experienced a high degree of volatility during 1998.
  • Furthermore, the increase in stocks entails considerable expenses, including the construction of storage facilities.
  • The increase in stock prices was to some extent supported by short-term earnings growth expectations.
  • The increase in stocks is a telling injury factor.
  • A rather steady yearly increase in stocks has been observed.
  • (650) Furthermore, an increase in stocks, negative developments for sales, market share and profitability occurred.
  • The second objective must be to increase fish stocks.
  • The GOI and four exporters contended that the increase in stocks was not abnormally high, thus not showing injury.
  • The increase in stock over the last two years does, in fact, indicate that there is a surplus.
  • Indeed an even and steady yearly increase of stocks from 43 % in 2007 to 59 % in the IP was observed.
  • A telling injury factor is the substantial increase in stocks (by 37 %) over the period considered.
  • Concerning cells, the development was even more pronounced, with an increase in stocks between 2009 and 2011 more than 350 %.
  • Work undertaken on a systematic basis to increase the stock of knowledge
  • This measure should be complemented by tax breaks for forest owners who increase forestry stocks and thus contribute to the absorption of CO2.
  • We also know that it would be possible to increase fish stocks by 86% if fish were not caught in such a drastic way.
  • Thus, increase of stocks between 2005 and the RIP is partly due to seasonal effects.
  • There was an increase in stocks in 2001/02, but these returned to their previous level in 2002/03.


  • boost stock
  • raise stock
  • augment stock
  • expand stock
  • grow stock

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