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come to us vs walk to us

Both "come to us" and "walk to us" are correct phrases, but they are used in different contexts. "Come to us" is more commonly used when you want someone to approach you or join you, regardless of the mode of transportation. On the other hand, "walk to us" specifically implies that the person should use walking as the means of reaching you.

Last updated: March 31, 2024 • 897 views

come to us

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to invite or request someone to approach or join you.


  • Please come to us for the meeting.
  • Can you come to us at the front of the building?
  • We would love for you to come to us for dinner.
  • He always comes to us when we need help.
  • The children will come to us when they are ready.
  • But the lawyers have come to us with a problem.
  • Yet you still come to us.
  • Work hard, Motel, and come to us soon.
  • Those in trouble who haven't got a home come to us.
  • You didn't have to come to us.
  • People don't usually come to us out of curiosity.
  • You are here, your father will come to us.
  • They come to us of their own free will.
  • Now the safe has come to us.
  • You come to us as a pilgrim and a penitent.
  • If something happens, the machines will come to us.
  • The people who come to us are all doing something dangerous.
  • Lock up your house and come to us.
  • Many new dishes have come to us by way of refugees.
  • Do not come to us later.
  • All the dead, come to us.
  • But our old customers come to us.
  • They still have to come to us.
  • Or we wait for him to come to us.
  • They come to us with a request for a loan.


  • come over to us
  • come towards us
  • come join us
  • come here
  • come closer to us

walk to us

This phrase is correct but less commonly used compared to "come to us."

This phrase specifically indicates that the person should use walking as the means of reaching you.


  • Could you walk to us instead of driving?
  • She decided to walk to us from the train station.
  • It's a short distance, so you can just walk to us.
  • Let's meet halfway; you walk to us, and we'll walk to you.
  • He prefers to walk to us when the weather is nice.


  • come walking to us
  • make your way to us on foot
  • walk over to us
  • walk towards us
  • walk here to us

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