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change is updated vs change has been updated

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Change is updated' is used to describe a current state or ongoing process, while 'Change has been updated' is used to indicate a completed action in the past. The choice between them depends on the specific timing you want to convey.

Last updated: March 30, 2024 • 3140 views

change is updated

This phrase is correct and commonly used to describe a current state or ongoing process.

This phrase is used to indicate that a change is currently being updated or is in the process of being updated.


  • The system's software change is updated every month.
  • The website's content change is updated regularly.
  • Gas analyser systems shall be optimized such that their overall response to a rapid change in concentration is updated and recorded at an appropriate frequency to prevent loss of information.
  • Whether opened files should be automatically checked for changes and updated, if necessary.
  • The IPCC already in 1996 presented a detailed but scalable methodology for land use change, updated in 2006, that is already in use for reporting under the Kyoto protocol.
  • Scan data successfully updated. Changes take effect after you have closed the configuration dialog.
  • Technologies change, keys are updated.
  • But as the basic plan (envisaging a tunnel) prepared before this change has not been updated, there are no plans to carry out a noise assessment.
  • In the interest of clarity, the sections of Annex XVI to the Agreement affected by the changes should be updated in their entirety.
  • Minor changes may be absorbed, but substantial changes will require an updated environmental review, policy, programme, management system and statement.
  • Whereas the changes required for updated monitoring programmes and surveillance programmes cannot be implemented in this field at short notice;
  • Under a no-policy-change assumption, the updated programme foresees that the structural balance increases only slightly in 2010 and by about 12 percentage point in 2011, implying a mildly restrictive policy stance in that period.
  • In subsequent transmissions this information is updated only when a relevant change in the methods applied occurs.
  • This information is updated, as and when necessary, to reflect changes in national marking systems.
  • Member States shall ensure that the information is updated and distributed at regular intervals and whenever significant changes take place.
  • In subsequent transmissions this information is updated only when a relevant change in these characteristics (or in the general methodology followed) occurs.
  • Where labelling changes are required other than those referred to in paragraph 1, the supplier shall ensure that the label is updated within 18 months.
  • It is updated now and again because the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission are not idle and continue to produce legal acts, meaning that the acquis changes.
  • The hosting organisation shall ensure that the EU Aid Volunteer is updated about any change in the operating environment and the consequent amendment in any of the security procedures or protocols.
  • 4. Member States shall ensure that changes concerning registered data are notified to the competent authority without delay and that the register is updated immediately when such information is received.
  • It is updated whenever a change to the official code list in the ISO 3166-1 is effected by the ISO 3166/ MA.
  • We therefore need to take action, as it were, 'upstream', so that the safety report is drawn up with the greatest transparency and is updated as soon as any significant change occurs on the industrial site.


  • change is being updated
  • change gets updated
  • change is being kept up to date
  • change is being refreshed
  • change is being revised

change has been updated

This phrase is correct and commonly used to indicate a completed action in the past.

This phrase is used to indicate that a change has already been updated at some point in the past.


  • The document change has been updated with the latest information.
  • The software change has been updated to fix the bugs.
  • But as the basic plan (envisaging a tunnel) prepared before this change has not been updated, there are no plans to carry out a noise assessment.
  • Whether opened files should be automatically checked for changes and updated, if necessary.
  • The IPCC already in 1996 presented a detailed but scalable methodology for land use change, updated in 2006, that is already in use for reporting under the Kyoto protocol.
  • Scan data successfully updated. Changes take effect after you have closed the configuration dialog.
  • Technologies change, keys are updated.
  • Gas analyser systems shall be optimized such that their overall response to a rapid change in concentration is updated and recorded at an appropriate frequency to prevent loss of information.
  • In the interest of clarity, the sections of Annex XVI to the Agreement affected by the changes should be updated in their entirety.
  • Minor changes may be absorbed, but substantial changes will require an updated environmental review, policy, programme, management system and statement.
  • Whereas the changes required for updated monitoring programmes and surveillance programmes cannot be implemented in this field at short notice;
  • Under a no-policy-change assumption, the updated programme foresees that the structural balance increases only slightly in 2010 and by about 12 percentage point in 2011, implying a mildly restrictive policy stance in that period.
  • This notification has since been updated to reflect changes in the selection procedure.
  • The annexes containing the lists of controlled products, the templates for the licences and the control documents have been updated in line with the changes made by many international laws.
  • CORRELATION TABLE The correlation table has not been updated to reflect the changes to the Commission's original proposal.
  • In case the risk assessment has been updated, this shall be described in section 3 above covering the changes of the audit strategy.
  • Where the information has been updated several times this field contains the date of the most recent change of information.
  • However, whilst checking the Eurostat import statistics again, it was found that they had been updated since the imposition of provisional measures which had resulted in some minor changes.
  • The Annexes to the Directive have been updated to take account of the changes arising from the introduction of the new Articles and the recent entry into force of new specific directives.
  • Despite the rapid technology changes characterising this industry, the lists of products covered by the ITA have not been updated since the conclusion of this agreement 10 years ago.
  • The legal references have been updated.
  • The thumbnails database has been updated.


  • change was updated
  • change got updated
  • change has been refreshed
  • change has been revised
  • change has been modified

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