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the future of humankind vs the future for humankind

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'The future of humankind' is more commonly used and refers to the destiny or prospects of humanity as a whole. On the other hand, 'the future for humankind' can be used to talk about what lies ahead specifically in terms of benefits or challenges for humanity.

Last updated: March 30, 2024 • 852 views

the future of humankind

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase refers to the destiny or prospects of humanity as a whole.


  • Exploring space is crucial for the future of humankind.
  • Education is key to shaping the future of humankind.
  • What does the future of humankind look like in a world of advanced technology?
  • Climate change poses a threat to the future of humankind.
  • Scientific advancements hold promise for the future of humankind.
  • Coexistence is the only real alternative for the future of humankind; including that of Europe.
  • Oxford philosopher and transhumanist Nick Bostrom examines the future of humankind and asks whether we might alter the fundamental nature of humanity to solve our most intrinsic problems.
  • Biodiversity is not only a case of protecting the third world it is also an important issue for the future of all humankind.
  • We have therefore always denounced and criticised the United States for proposing to set up a National Missile Defence system (NMD), which will militarise the use of space and set off an arms race, with dire consequences for the future of all humankind.
  • A/RES/64/143, "Protection of global climate for present and future generations of humankind"
  • Doctors, farmers, teachers, engineers who have dedicated their lives to creating a sustainable future for humankind.
  • We have the necessary maturity and expertise to intervene in solving a dangerous situation for the future of the European Union, as well as of humankind.
  • the Parties should protect the climate system for the benefit of present and future generations of humankind, on the basis of equity and in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities.
  • The invention of agriculture... transformed the future of the wild animals scavenging for food... that were humankind.
  • convinced that guaranteeing a sustainable environment for future generations requires the shared but differentiated responsibility of the whole of humankind,
  • I trust that the New Water Paradigm will become a new useful idea over the next few decades, and that it will become humankind's manifesto for the future of civilisation.
  • The future of independent funeral homes.
  • Loop quantum gravity is the future of physics.
  • To put it simply: the future of Ukraine will decide the future of Russia, and the future of Russia will have a substantial impact on the future of Europe.
  • Two things are clear concerning the future of Afghanistan.
  • This involves the future of a child.
  • Capitalism is not the future of humanity.
  • The Future of Film Conference in San Jose.
  • I think that this is the future of interface, it's the future of music, the future of instruments.
  • I think that today's debate is hugely important to the future of the European Union, to the future of European citizens, and to the future of the euro.


  • the destiny of humankind
  • the prospects for humankind
  • the future of humanity
  • the fate of humankind
  • the outlook for humankind

the future for humankind

This phrase is correct but less commonly used than 'the future of humankind'. It is used to talk about what lies ahead specifically in terms of benefits or challenges for humanity.

This phrase can be used to discuss what benefits or challenges are in store for humanity.


  • The future for humankind looks promising with advancements in medical technology.
  • What does the future for humankind hold in terms of environmental sustainability?
  • There are many unknowns in the future for humankind.
  • Technological innovations will shape the future for humankind.
  • Climate change presents a significant challenge in the future for humankind.
  • Coexistence is the only real alternative for the future of humankind; including that of Europe.
  • Doctors, farmers, teachers, engineers who have dedicated their lives to creating a sustainable future for humankind.
  • Oxford philosopher and transhumanist Nick Bostrom examines the future of humankind and asks whether we might alter the fundamental nature of humanity to solve our most intrinsic problems.
  • Biodiversity is not only a case of protecting the third world it is also an important issue for the future of all humankind.
  • We have therefore always denounced and criticised the United States for proposing to set up a National Missile Defence system (NMD), which will militarise the use of space and set off an arms race, with dire consequences for the future of all humankind.
  • A/RES/64/143, "Protection of global climate for present and future generations of humankind"
  • the Parties should protect the climate system for the benefit of present and future generations of humankind, on the basis of equity and in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities.
  • Imagination and the future for the first time we have met here.
  • LLL is the project for the future for which everyone bears some small share of responsibility.
  • And we should contemplate the dangers in the future for all of us.
  • You just wanted to find the future for yourself.
  • And this, I think, is really the future for heart surgeons.
  • Early marriage is the future for millions of girls.
  • We need an insurance scheme in the future for private health providers.
  • I know a guy that can see the future for real.
  • Now let us turn to the future for a moment.
  • Let us look to the future for once.
  • That is the future for agriculture in Europe.
  • It gives Parliament the opportunity to outline the future for public services.
  • The future for Kosovo and Serbia lies in European has now become easier for both these countries.


  • the prospects for humankind
  • what lies ahead for humankind
  • the outlook for humankind
  • what the future holds for humankind
  • the destiny of humankind

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