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your love for god vs your love to christ

A complete search of the internet has found that "your love for god" is the most popular phrase on the web.

Last updated: February 22, 2017 • 973 views

your love for god

More popular!

663,000 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • I know that you have done that... ...not so as to be well-thought-of here on earth... but out of your love for God in heaven.
  • Follow your heart, daughter, and you will choose wisely between your love for god and your love for man.
  • Oh, Holy St Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and charity for His creatures made you worthy when on Earth to possess miraculous powers.
  • With love for God I swear never to betray again.
  • -We show little love for God if we don't detach ourselves from what we leave behind.
  • I swear by my love for God, love for the Crusaders and the love of you, that whatever happens will remain our secret.
  • As Abraham prepared to sacrifice his only son to prove his love for God, so -
  • Now shall all those lament who suffer a pain like mine, those who loved another person in their hearts out of love for God as I loved you.
  • You've sacrificed your love to the gods.
  • Why should my love for her be in competition with my love for God and with my vocation?
  • This number is divided equally among the twelve tribes, for God's love for them is not based on favoritism for any particular tribe, but He clothes them all in the same grace of becoming His people.
  • Real love, not the virgin love for a vengeful god.
  • If you do not concentrate, you cannot express your love of God through dance.
  • But if you believe that your love of God exceeds that of others, then beware!
  • The first: Thou shall love God above all things.
  • They say the leader of the beggars loves God.
  • We must love God above everything.
  • Bush loves God and wants to serve Him.
  • I love God... and icebergs.
  • The wise... both fear and love God.

your love to christ

398,000 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • My friends, you've come together in this church so the Lord may strengthen your love and Christ blesses this love.
  • Okay. I am looking for a man who loves the lord Jesus Christ, loves to cook, loves to dance, has respect for interior design. I'm an independent businesswoman.
  • And beautiful forever love Christ Russian land!
  • - For the love of Christ, man.
  • Take it all, for the love of Christ.
  • True, selfless dedication for the love of Christ, our saviour.
  • If you stop hearing my voice, for the love of Christ start reeling me in with all your strength.
  • Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?
  • Do not be angry with me, Grisha, for the love of Christ.
  • If you commit yourself to the love of Christ then that is how you run a straight race.
  • Just say you love Jesus Christ,
  • I'd like to talk to you about the love of Christ.
  • For the love of Christ, sir, open this door.
  • And if you ever want to find the love of Christ, call me.
  • For the love of Christ, just say it, darling.
  • Born again through the love of Jesus Christ.
  • For the love of Christ. Save it for the honeymoon suite.
  • For the love of Christ, stop it!
  • Roman, for the love of Christ, get down!
  • Nor do I feel Christ's love.

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