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the number of class vs the number of classes

A complete search of the internet has found that "the number of class" is the most popular phrase on the web.

Last updated: November 09, 2018 • 1810 views

the number of class

More popular!

32,800,000 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • Given that the number of class members could be in the millions, damages could total billions of dollars.
  • For this, you have to select the number of the class and subclass you want to add and enter the terms in the text box manually.
  • KDE recognises the fact that a computing platform is only as good as the number of first class applications available to the users of that particular platform.
  • The products shall be grouped according to the classes of the Locarno classification, each group being preceded by the number of the class to which that group of products belongs and presented in the order of the classes and subclasses under that classification.
  • The number of students in the class is limited to fifteen.
  • What is appalling is not so much that the number of women in parliament is small but that the number of working-class women, female employees, women who are socially of low birth and women of modest income is played down.
  • The number and class of securities being offered by each of the selling security holders.
  • Limits on the number of foreign children per class might raise the issue of indirect discrimination, but only under certain conditions.
  • In the case of shares, the statement shall also specify the number and class of the shares in question and give a concise description of the rights attaching thereto.
  • The number of cycles for each class of motor cycle is:
  • And from the number two student of the class, too.
  • The calculation shall be made by reference to the insurance undertakings' premium income from that class in the host Member State or the number of risks in that class covered there.
  • Why do religious knowledge and classical languages have to be taught according to the number of pupils in the class?
  • There are good grounds because Europe is the most advanced continent in the fight against doping, the greatest number of world-class sporting events takes place here and because Europe has the greatest number of competitions between clubs of different sporting disciplines.
  • Will cutting costs and increasing the number of children per class not mean that children of different ages are put in the same class so that part of the curriculum can be offered?
  • As regards the specific goods and services involved, the search is done exclusively on the basis of the class numbers of the International Classification established by the Nice Agreement on the International Classification of Goods and Services.
  • What is the Commission doing to make the Board of Governors lower the maximum number of pupils per class and to help improve the teaching and learning environment under the European School system, instead of consigning the schools permanently to an obsolete past?
  • ensuring their continued experience by performing an adequate number of class 1 medical examinations every year.
  • This Regulation contains standardised disclosure templates for a number of asset class categories.
  • My own country, Scotland, is home to a number of world class financial companies and they can benefit from access across the internal market.

the number of classes

17,200,000 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • It is also important that there has been no expansion in the number of classes indicating the energy consumption of individual products, as this preserves the clarity of the whole concept.
  • The number of classes may need to be greater for fair value measurements categorised within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy because those measurements have a greater degree of uncertainty and subjectivity.
  • Will the funding cuts not lead to a reduction in the number of classes and teaching hours?
  • I appreciate the EU initiative to increase the number of physical education classes in schools.
  • In principle the total number of classes will be limited to seven, unless more classes are still populated.
  • the total number of classes of life and non-life insurance for which authorisation is granted;
  • The number of size classes and the span of the smallest size class facilitate for the Member States to reduce the response burden on SME.
  • I would like to see a recommendation of the European Parliament to all Member States to increase the number of sports classes at school to five hours a week.
  • Nearly a quarter of the children living in the European Union are overweight, and 50% of them only participate in sports activities during school PE classes, whilst the number of PE classes is continuously falling.
  • an indication of the products by their names, preceded by the numbers of the classes and subclasses of the Locarno classification, and grouped accordingly;
  • The permitted number of pupils in classes in European Schools is 32.
  • Together with the increase in the number of physical education classes, we should also take into consideration two important issues: I refer to attractiveness and the possibility to have differentiated physical education classes.
  • Under the new legislation, the layout of the energy efficiency label will allow for up to three new energy classes, to reflect technological progress, but will still limit the total number of classes to seven.
  • Summary description of the operations during the three preceding years which have changed the amount of the issued capital and/or the number and classes of shares of which it is composed.
  • an indication of the products in which the design is intended to be incorporated or to which it is intended to be applied, preceded by the number of the relevant classes and subclasses of the Locarno classification, and grouped accordingly;
  • The amount of the issued capital, the number and classes of the shares of which it is composed with details of their principal characteristics;
  • Description of the amount of the issuer's authorised and issued capital and the amount of any capital agreed to be issued, the number and classes of the securities of which it is composed.
  • At the time of filing, you can indicate any number of classes, but only three are covered by the application fee. If you choose more than three, a fee is payable for each additional one.
  • EFSA recommended, for a number of those classes, that further data on levels in food and in humans should be gathered.
  • The hazard identification number for Classes 2 to 9 consists of two or three figures.

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