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a large amount of research vs a large amount of studies

Both 'a large amount of research' and 'a large amount of studies' are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'A large amount of research' is more commonly used when referring to a broad body of investigation or study, while 'a large amount of studies' is used when specifically talking about multiple individual research projects or studies.

Last updated: March 17, 2024 • 5379 views

a large amount of research

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when referring to a significant volume of investigation or study in a general sense.


  • A large amount of research has been conducted on the effects of climate change.
  • The article is based on a large amount of research in the field of psychology.
  • The book provides a comprehensive overview of a large amount of research in the area of medicine.
  • Sep 10, 2024 ... Databases: pros and cons · They're ideal for in-depth research on complex topics · They contain a large amount of research written by ...
  • Mar 3, 2022 ... As others have also noted, bringing in a large amount of research funding will be beneficial in terms of promotion and raises. I expect that ...
  • Epistasis, the interaction between genes, is a topic of current interest in molecular and quantitative genetics. A large amount of research has been devoted ...
  • A large amount of research has accumulated on the efficacy and effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for anxiety disorders including ...
  • ... a large amount of research on her company's financial data for the past four years. She has a significant amount of textual explanation related to her ...
  • ... a large amount of research, especially from the website of Wm. Michael Lynn, a leading tipping expert. Okay so I know stuff about this now. Here's the ...
  • Oct 3, 2017 ... As I design the geometry waypoints in the Cambridge Mathematics Framework I have found a large amount of research concerning the classification ...
  • Sep 21, 2012 ... Dust dispersion modeling is a subject that has had a large amount of research activity. Much of the research has focused on large-scale ...
  • A large amount of research has been reported on stable fly biology, ecology, genetics, physiology, and vector competence. In this bibliography literature ...
  • A large amount of research has been carried out to characterize the aerodynamics of ice-accreted circular cylinders, e.g., representing transmission lines ...


  • a substantial body of research
  • a significant amount of research
  • a vast amount of research
  • a considerable amount of research
  • an extensive amount of research

a large amount of studies

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when referring to a significant number of individual research projects or studies.


  • The article references a large amount of studies on the topic of education.
  • The report is based on a large amount of studies conducted in various countries.
  • The presentation highlighted a large amount of studies supporting the theory.
  • Dec 3, 2014 ... A large amount of studies show that real-world study has strong external validity than the traditional randomized controlled trials and can ...
  • Abstract. Over the past years, a large amount of studies has advanced knowledge that explains how individuals react to information security cues and why they ...
  • Risk factors. Psychopathology. Systematic review. A large amount of studies and literature reviews on the consequences of child sexual abuse has appeared.
  • The published literature is dominated by a large amount of studies reporting on outcomes of Charnley THA (2-5). The vast majority of these studies report on ...


  • a substantial number of studies
  • a significant number of studies
  • a vast number of studies
  • a considerable number of studies
  • an extensive number of studies

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