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consiste en vs consiste de

Both "consiste en" and "consiste de" are used in Spanish to express the idea of something consisting of or being made up of certain elements. However, in English, the correct preposition to use after "consists" is "of." Therefore, the correct phrase in English is "consists of."

Last updated: March 29, 2024 • 1131 views

consiste en

This phrase is not correct in English. The correct preposition to use after "consists" is "of."

This phrase is commonly used in Spanish to indicate what something consists of. In English, the equivalent phrase is "consists of."

consiste de

This phrase is not correct in English. The correct preposition to use after "consists" is "of."

This phrase is commonly used in Spanish to indicate what something consists of. In English, the equivalent phrase is "consists of."
  • The pommes de terre de l'île de Ré are packaged locally in distribution packaging not exceeding 25 kg.
  • Name and address of the granting authority: Ministère de l'agriculture, de l'alimentation, de la pêche et de la ruralité. Direction des affaires financières. Bureau du crédit et de l'assurance. 78 rue de Varenne. 75349 Paris 07 SP.
  • The pomme de terre de l'île de Ré is a product marketed fresh only: it must therefore be packed promptly after harvesting.
  • Filiale de la Ammunition Industries Group, dépendant du DIO, impliquée dans la production de composants de centrifugeuses.
  • Antoine Nompar de Caumont, Marquis de Puyguilhem, Duc de Lauzun.
  • GALP ENERGIA SGPS S.A., Prospecto de ofertaà pública de venda e de admissão à negociação October 2006, as available in the internet: .
  • Labels must bear the following wording: Denominación de Origen Chirimoya de la Costa Tropical de Granada-Málaga.
  • SPAIN Entities operating pursuant to Ley no 10 de 15 de junio de 1987.
  • SPAIN Airports managed by Aeropuertos Nacionales operating pursuant to the Real Decreto 278/1982 de 15 de octubre de 1982.
  • Entities producing electricity pursuant to Decreto Lei no 189/88 de 27 de Maio de 1988.
  • In order to benefit from these favourable conditions, the pommes de terre de l'île de Ré are planted at shallow depths.
  • Ley 11/1998, de 24 de abril, General de Telecomunicaciones.
  • This is currently happening with the workers of MOLIN - Materiais de Desenho de Mário Lino, SA, a company based in Canelas, Vila Nova de Gaia.
  • The Order of 16 December 1986 issued by the Conselleria de Agricultura y Pesca de la Generalidad Valenciana provisionally established the name Cerezas de la Montaña de Alicante.
  • Porto de Sines set up pursuant to Decreto-Lei no 508/77 de 14 de Dezembro de 1977.
  • Département de la Meurthe-et-Moselle: arrondissements de Briey, de Nancy, de Toul
  • These planting conditions, in particular the density, produce the characteristically small-sized pomme de terre de l'île de Ré.
  • When cooked, each slice of Saucisse de Morteau and Jésus de Morteau has a coarsely minced yet uniform texture and is consistent and firm in appearance.
  • PORTUGAL Petroquímica e Gás de Portugal, EP Decreto-Lei no 346-A/88 de 29 de Setembro de 1988.
  • The abbreviation IRIS stands for Interhospitalière Régionale des Infrastructures de Soins.

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