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Educational output vs educational succes

The two phrases are not directly comparable as they convey different meanings. 'Educational output' refers to the results or outcomes of an educational process, while 'educational success' refers to the achievement or accomplishment in education. Both phrases are correct in their respective contexts.

Last updated: March 26, 2024 • 801 views

Educational output

This phrase is correct and commonly used in the context of describing the results or outcomes of an educational process.

The term 'educational output' refers to the tangible or measurable results of an educational program, such as test scores, graduation rates, or research publications.


  • The educational output of the new curriculum will be assessed through student performance on standardized tests.
  • The university aims to improve its educational output by enhancing the quality of teaching and learning.
  • Measuring educational output requires evaluating both quantitative and qualitative indicators.


  • educational outcomes
  • educational achievements
  • educational results
  • educational performance
  • educational impact

educational succes

This phrase is incorrect. The correct spelling is 'educational success.'

  • Second, GALILEO is the first Community infrastructure and its succes can only be ensured through a common will.
  • - The Commission should encourage Member States to analyse key factors influencing succes of investment projects and disseminate cases of good practice.
  • You've got such a succes with the photopIays!
  • The educational exchange programmes are a success story.
  • Enhancing CDI e-learning Platform and Multimedia Educational Tools.
  • I had every educational advantage, Jack.
  • For a conference on educational differences in developing countries.
  • Natasha's neural network regenerates quickly when given educational input.
  • Educational and entertaining applications for KDE's younger users.
  • The second category concerns educational, health and housing measures.
  • Tackling educational disadvantage is a concern across the EU.
  • Innovation is thus the starting point for all educational activity.
  • I have entertained at our educational center.
  • Another example of our country's deplorable educational system.
  • I was community service director, educational coordinator...
  • Schools for Educational Evolution and Development.
  • Launching a social debate and organising educational campaigns are likewise indispensable.
  • This also includes projects involving representatives from educational institutions.
  • Information campaigns should also be focused on educational institutions.
  • It will therefore foster professional and educational mobility in Europe.


  • educational success

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