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hydrometeorological Parameters vs hydrometeorological Parameter

Both "hydrometeorological parameters" and "hydrometeorological parameter" are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "Hydrometeorological parameters" refers to multiple factors or variables related to hydrometeorology, while "hydrometeorological parameter" refers to a single specific factor or variable within that field.

Last updated: March 19, 2024 • 1137 views

hydrometeorological Parameters

This phrase is correct and commonly used in the field of hydrometeorology to refer to multiple factors or variables.

This phrase is used to describe a set of various factors or variables related to hydrometeorology, such as precipitation, humidity, temperature, and wind speed.


  • The study focused on analyzing hydrometeorological parameters to understand the impact of climate change on water resources.
  • Researchers collected data on various hydrometeorological parameters to improve weather forecasting models.
  • Hydrometeorological parameters play a crucial role in assessing the risk of natural disasters.
  • The report highlighted the importance of monitoring hydrometeorological parameters for early warning systems.
  • Understanding hydrometeorological parameters is essential for effective water resource management.
  • Hydrometeorological Parameters in Prediction of Soil Temperature by Means of Artificial Neural Network: Case Study in Wyoming ...
  • HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL PARAMETERS IN A. CLIMATIC CHANGE DETECTION NETWORK. Research Contribution/Recherches en cours. Submitted March ...
  • Periodicity in the Hydrometeorological Parameters of Bashkiria. D. Yu. Vasil'eva, R. L. Lukmanovc, Yu. I. Ferapontovb, and A. N. Chuvyrova. Presented by ...
  • ... prediction of monthly Standardized Precipitation and Evapotranspiration Index using hydrometeorological parameters and climate indices in eastern Australia.


  • meteorological parameters
  • hydrological parameters
  • climatological parameters
  • atmospheric parameters
  • weather variables

hydrometeorological Parameter

This phrase is correct and is used when referring to a single specific factor or variable within the field of hydrometeorology.

This phrase is employed to discuss a particular aspect or element of hydrometeorology, such as rainfall intensity, evaporation rate, or river discharge.


  • The hydrometeorological parameter of interest in this study is the precipitation level in the region.
  • Researchers are investigating a specific hydrometeorological parameter to understand its impact on local ecosystems.
  • The model takes into account various hydrometeorological parameters, including temperature and humidity.
  • One crucial hydrometeorological parameter for flood prediction is the soil moisture content.
  • The study focused on analyzing the hydrometeorological parameter of wind speed to assess its influence on weather patterns.
  • The primary hydrometeorological parameter is rainfall at a specified temporal resolution (typically hourly) and spatial resolution (point rain gauge or weather ...
  • arrive at the following hydrometeorological parameter set: unit daily flow (mm), cumulative rainfall (mm), cumulative snowfall (mm), cumulative total precipitation  ...
  • Evaporation is a complex hydrometeorological parameter, independent of vegetation and soil characteristics of an area. Evaporation is the most difficult to.
  • May 20, 2011 ... Thus, soil moisture is an important hydrometeorological parameter to monitor and research related to soil moisture is part of a major activity ...


  • meteorological parameter
  • hydrological parameter
  • climatological parameter
  • atmospheric parameter
  • weather variable

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