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by Incumbents vs Incumbents

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'By incumbents' is used when referring to actions or decisions made by the current officeholders, while 'incumbents' is used to simply refer to the current officeholders themselves.

Last updated: March 26, 2024 • 920 views

by Incumbents

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to refer to actions or decisions made by the current officeholders. It indicates that the action was done by the people currently holding the positions.


  • The policy changes were implemented by incumbents in the government.
  • The decision to increase funding was made by incumbents in the board.
  • Calls on NRAs to act when short-term price reductions by incumbents inhibit the development of competitive market conditions in the long term;
  • Calls on NRAs to act when short-term price reductions by incumbents inhibit the development of competitive market conditions in the long term;
  • European Commission data indicates that in July 2003 out of 12.58 million DSL lines in the EU, 77.4% were retailed directly by incumbents.
  • Therefore, incumbents do not have incentives to switch-off and, if there is any advantage to analogue broadcasters, this should be considered as compensation for the costs incurred by incumbents.
  • Could the Commission indicate what the situation has been since 1 January 2003 with regard to the significant dominance by incumbents (former monopolists) on the EU wholesale broadband internet market and with regard to local loop liberalisation? -
  • There are still many potential obstacles to market access, in particular different tax liabilities faced by incumbents and market entrants as regards VAT.
  • Could the Commission indicate what the situation has been since 1 January 2003 with regard to the significant dominance by incumbents (former monopolists) on the EU wholesale broadband internet market and with regard to local loop liberalisation?
  • Another factor was market concentration and the role played by incumbent operators.
  • High speed bit stream access (provision of DSL services by incumbent)
  • He further notes that an effective and transparent competition regime and the cooperation agreement could be useful in tackling abuse of dominance exercised by incumbent firms.
  • However, even with full separation we still have to ensure that essential regulatory functions - licensing functions, for instance - are not carried out by incumbent railway undertakings.
  • Accordingly, the loss of revenue suffered by incumbent broadcasters should not be taken into account in determining the costs of switchover.
  • It will be open to competitor airlines to contest the efficient use of traffic rights by incumbent airlines.
  • Stranded costs are losses sustained by incumbent electricity providers as a result of non-recoverable investments carried out before liberalisation.
  • (11) Whereas in the selection and implementation of such projects account should be taken of all infrastructures offered by incumbent and new providers;
  • Tax opinions cannot be appealed by the incumbent and their purpose is purely informative.
  • Allowing private Indian carriers to operate international routes will increase the competitive pressures faced by incumbent carriers. The emergence of new-comers and low-cost carriers on the domestic Indian market is expected to have the same effect within India.
  • Alternatively if costs borne by the incumbent are recovered over a period, it would be normal to build a risk factor into the calculated charges.
  • (In principle safety standards used by the incumbent and its affiliates should be deemed adequate for competitive operators' equipment).
  • It even goes so far as to call for a ban on price reductions by 'incumbents'.


  • decisions made by the current officeholders
  • actions taken by those currently in office
  • policies set by the incumbents


This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to refer to the current officeholders themselves. It simply indicates the people who currently hold the positions.


  • The incumbents are facing a tough reelection campaign.
  • The incumbents have been in office for over a decade.
  • Standardisation of ADSL systems have reached a level of maturity whereby international agreement exists on its secure deployment in the local loops of incumbents(1).
  • The effective entry of electricity incumbents in gas markets has been witnessed in many Member States.
  • Regulatory obligations imposed on incumbents should be fair and proportionate.
  • Therefore, in total around 49 % of the market is foreclosed to potential entrants and to incumbents not having tied outlets for at least the first two years of the supply contracts.
  • I am referring to the words in Article 8 about ensuring access to incumbents and their approach to the market.
  • New technologies and solutions must compete on cost and reliability against energy systems with well-established incumbents and technologies.
  • the connection and line rental) and remains within the incumbents' control.
  • The main beneficiaries of the switchover (the entrants) differ from those who bear the cost of the switchover (consumers and, above all, the incumbents).
  • Elsam and Energi E2 (E2) are the Danish electricity generation incumbents in West Denmark (Elsam) and East Denmark (E2), respectively.
  • It stresses in particular that the restructuring aid would not only have an effect on the existing operators but would also deter competition from new entry because other incumbents and new entrants are prevented from exploiting their own efficiency.
  • Structural barriers to entry result from original cost or demand conditions that create asymmetric conditions between incumbents and new entrants impeding or preventing market entry of the latter.
  • Market analysis - market power of incumbents - the local loop's key role
  • And it's been mostly an easy night for Republican incumbents.
  • It has been argued that excessive regulatory intervention is penalising incumbents and discouraging much-needed investment in infrastructure.
  • Your Rapporteur sees no conclusive evidence that incumbents have been harmed by regulation.
  • Numerous reports suggest that in most Member States incumbents continue to dominate the market.
  • Union policies and funding must not distort the market, nor protect or favour incumbents or specific technologies.
  • On 30 July 2008 these incumbents beat up my colleague Dimitar Stoyanov.
  • This provision will prevent any of the other three incumbents from acquiring JET Norway.
  • KE and FE are the electricity retail incumbents in the Copenhagen area.


  • current officeholders
  • those currently in office
  • people currently holding the positions

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