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Is there code that vs Is there a code that

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Is there code that' is used when referring to code in general, while 'Is there a code that' is used when referring to a specific code or a particular set of rules or instructions.

Last updated: March 15, 2024 • 890 views

Is there code that

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to code in general.

This phrase is used when asking about the existence of code or programming instructions in a general sense.


  • Is there code that can help me solve this problem?
  • Is there code that automates this process?
  • Is there code that simplifies data analysis?
  • Apr 19, 2015 ... It's 100% free, no registration required. Is there code that states there must be a sheet of plastic between vinyl siding and the house sheathing?
  • Aug 19, 2014 ... Log In · Sign Up · Sign Up. Twitter, is there code that can scan for trending tickers ? and incorporate with a volume/momentum.
  • Is there code that can detect the difference between redirected page or refreshed page (loading for the first time)?
  • Is there code that hasn't been reviewed yet, and does it requires more attention? Have all the bug fixes been merged to the master branch? FishEye: Commit ...


  • Is there any code that
  • Is there some code that
  • Is there a piece of code that
  • Is there any programming code that
  • Is there any script that

Is there a code that

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to a specific code or a particular set of rules or instructions.

This phrase is used when asking about the existence of a specific code or a particular set of rules or instructions.


  • Is there a code that explains how this system works?
  • Is there a code that governs this behavior?
  • Is there a code that needs to be followed?
  • Is there a code that results in 50% branch prediction miss? up vote 18 down vote favorite. 5. The problem: I'm trying to figure out how to write a ...
  • Is there a code that makes Spidey invincible? Those levels past level 10 are hard 6 years ago. Accepted Answer. MunKy321 answered: Unfortunately for you ...
  • Java (programming language): Is there a code that forces the Java virtual machine to go through a block of code before switching to another thread?
  • Apr 23, 2015 ... Is There A Code That You Live By? Steve Sherron. SubscribeSubscribed Unsubscribe 3,123. Subscription preferences. Loading... Loading.


  • Is there a specific code that
  • Is there an exact code that
  • Is there a particular code that
  • Is there a certain code that
  • Is there a unique code that

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