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interested in diet vs interested in dieting

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Interested in diet' is used when referring to a general interest in the topic of diet or nutrition, while 'interested in dieting' is used when specifically talking about the action of following a particular diet or weight loss plan.

Last updated: March 17, 2024 • 972 views

interested in diet

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to a general interest in the topic of diet or nutrition.

This phrase is used to express a general interest in the subject of diet or nutrition without specifying any particular diet plan or weight loss program.


  • She is very interested in diet and nutrition.
  • He has always been interested in diet and healthy eating habits.
  • Jul 24, 2015 ... ... at the University of Nevada, Reno in the late 60s and early 70s, and as such was always interested in diet, fitness and athletic performance.
  • Although humanity has been interested in diet and health for thousands of years, the organized, scientific study of nutrition has a relatively recent past.
  • The Singapore Chinese Health Study is providing a wealth of information for cancer epidemiologists interested in diet and cancer risk, including Dr. Lesley ...
  • Jan 22, 2014 ... I am particularly interested in diet. I get low and eat too much of the wrong stuff to comfort myself. I just love whipped cream and I know it's bad ...


  • interested in nutrition
  • interested in healthy eating
  • interested in food science
  • interested in dietary habits
  • interested in dietary guidelines

interested in dieting

This phrase is correct and commonly used when specifically talking about the action of following a particular diet or weight loss plan.

This phrase is used to indicate a specific interest in following a diet plan or weight loss program.


  • She is interested in dieting to lose weight.
  • He has been researching different diets because he is interested in dieting.
  • ... the best and most sustainable weight loss. So if you're not interested in dieting, skip it and adopt a few easy lifestyle changes to help you lose the extra weight.
  • Reach consumers that are actively interested in Dieting & Weight Loss information and products. The Active Dieting & Weight Loss Subscribers file consists of ...
  • Jan 12, 2015 ... When I see a patient who is interested in dieting, my first question is: What are you trying to accomplish? Some are just trying to lose weight, ...
  • You may have some health problems or feel a like you'd like to be a smaller clothing size, but you're not really that interested in dieting yet. If that's the case, ...


  • interested in following a diet
  • interested in weight loss programs
  • interested in trying different diets
  • interested in diet plans
  • interested in healthy eating habits

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