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previous research vs existing research

Both 'previous research' and 'existing research' are correct phrases, but they are used in different contexts. 'Previous research' refers to studies that have been conducted in the past, while 'existing research' refers to studies that are currently available or already conducted. The choice between the two depends on whether you are discussing research that has already been done or research that is currently accessible.

Last updated: March 22, 2024 • 1554 views

previous research

This phrase is correct and commonly used in academic and research contexts to refer to studies that have been conducted in the past.

Use 'previous research' when referring to studies that have been conducted in the past and are relevant to the current discussion.


  • The author built upon previous research to develop a new theory.
  • Previous research has shown a correlation between these two variables.
  • Dec 17, 2023 ... ... previous research." WTF. For context, I got quite far in the Normandy allied campaign, but barely touched the Tunisia allied campaign. This ...
  • Read chapter 2 Examples of Previous Research: Minority groups are severely underrepresented in the scientific workforce. To encourage minorities to pursue.
  • Dec 5, 2023 ... Previous research reward required. BUG / GLITCH / ERROR. So I research a fg42 II infantry equipment and cannot buy it because of this error ...
  • Understanding infants' and children's social learning about foods: previous research and new prospects. Dev Psychol. 2013 Mar;49(3):419-25. doi: 10.1037 ...
  • Jul 9, 2018 ... How do individuals without previous research experience get accepted into prestigious PhD programs? Is there a specific method they use to ...
  • Previous Research Town Halls - Duke Research & Innovation.
  • Feb 4, 2021 ... Previous research has examined the benefits of green tea and coffee on heart health in people without a history of cardiovascular disease or ...
  • Evaluating IACUCs: Previous Research and Future Directions. Madeline L Budda. Madeline L Budda. 1Office of Animal Welfare Assurance, University of Oklahoma ...
  • Jul 1, 2024 ... 10 minute PhD presentation on previous research experience ... I have a PhD interview soon and I was asked to make a 10-15 minute presentation on ...
  • The usage of large data sets in online consumer behaviour: A bibliometric and computational text-mining–driven analysis of previous research. Author links ...


  • prior research
  • past studies
  • earlier investigations
  • previously conducted research
  • research conducted previously

existing research

This phrase is correct and commonly used to refer to studies that are currently available or already conducted.

Use 'existing research' when referring to studies that are currently accessible or already conducted and are relevant to the current discussion.


  • The review of existing research revealed gaps in the literature.
  • Existing research on the topic provides a solid foundation for further study.
  • optimising the utilisation of existing research infrastructures and improving their performance,
  • Integrating Activities for existing research infrastructures will be implemented through:
  • It would therefore be appropriate to draw logical conclusions from existing research.
  • Thereby, the EIT will also help to address the 'European paradox' that excellent existing research is far from being harnessed to the full.
  • The first stage is concerned with mapping existing research on the subject in order to prepare for adding a productivity and performance dimension to the Foundation's European Company Survey in 2008.
  • Utilising existing research results on mountain zones at local, regional, national and inter-Balkan level; 4.
  • strengthen and use existing research structures for the needs of adult education,
  • optimising the utilisation of existing research infrastructures and improving their performance;
  • With regard to monitoring climate change and its consequences, I advocate closer cooperation between existing research and scientific institutions and the financing of new community programmes.
  • This appropriation covers the development of a range of topics combining a review and analysis of existing research, and the collection and provision of policies and good practice.
  • The Commission proposal aims to increase available resources for metrology research by pooling existing research capacity in the Member States.
  • as a priority, optimising the utilisation of existing research infrastructures and improving their performance;
  • Optimising the use of existing research infrastructures should be a priority for this specific programmes as this is a more efficient way to use the limited funds that are available.
  • This proposal urges Member States to set up new centres and training courses to maximise the potential of scientific resources on rare diseases and pool together existing research centres and disease information networks.
  • These guidelines describe the structure, management and implementation of the programme, its scientific and technical content and priorities as a complement to other existing research programmes and the participation rules.
  • To optimise the use of existing infrastructures in Europe more coordination is necessary and a community activity on networking existing research infrastructures should be enforced.
  • A major new element is the foreseen strategic approach to supporting the construction of new research infrastructure which will complement the continued support for optimal use of existing research infrastructure.
  • It includes in particular basic and applied research, innovation, education, entrepreneurship and business creation projects of the KICs, which top up investment in well-established activities (eg. existing research projects).
  • Calls for the research resources from the human and the veterinary side to be better coordinated, by creating a network of existing research institutes;
  • sharing, where appropriate, existing research infrastructures or developing new facilities such as coordinated databanks or the development of models for studying ageing processes;


  • current research
  • available studies
  • research that exists
  • research that is already conducted
  • research that is currently available

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