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on the grassland vs in the grassland

Both "on the grassland" and "in the grassland" are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "On the grassland" is used when referring to being physically on top of the grass or when talking about activities taking place on the grassland. "In the grassland" is used when referring to being within the boundaries of the grassland.

Last updated: March 31, 2024 • 5938 views

on the grassland

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to being physically on top of the grass or when talking about activities taking place on the grassland.

Use "on the grassland" when describing a location where something is physically on top of the grass or when activities are happening on the grassland.


  • The children were playing on the grassland.
  • The cows were grazing on the grassland.
  • The tent was set up on the grassland.
  • Specified grass varieties and/or seeding regime for renewal depending on the grassland type, with no destruction of high nature value
  • For millions of years, on the grasslands of Africa, women commuted to work to gather their vegetables.
  • There were long periods without any news of her But l conjured up the most vivid scenes of her life on the grasslands... based on stories from those who had returned
  • On the open grasslands that increasingly covered the Earth, many other giant mammals emerged.
  • Mr President, first on the question of grasslands, grassland premiums or, first and foremost, general permission to use set-aside areas.
  • Sheep are raised extensively on grassland within the geographical area, according to traditional husbandry practices of Welsh sheep farming.
  • A distinctive characteristic of Welsh beef is that cattle feed on the abundant natural grassland in Wales, which flourishes as a result of the wet and mild Welsh climate and topography.
  • (according to which there is no differentiation between the species of trees and bushes growing on grassland, the only requirement being the agricultural use of woodland pasture).
  • The unique character of the product arises from the influence of the traditional hardy Welsh breeds that dominate the Welsh flock and also by the lambs feeding on the abundant natural grassland in Wales, which flourishes as a result of the wet and mild Welsh climate and topography.
  • My Lord Dragon King... the grasslands to the south are parched.
  • I come from the grasslands (North Eastern China).
  • Now the grasslands have turned into desert.
  • He hoped a ride in the grasslands might assist him.
  • The grassland was sweet and cool tonight, Za Bing.
  • The richness of the grassland's flora is also preserved by restricting fertiliser inputs.
  • The grasslands to the north are also parched.
  • I have ordered scouting parties to sweep the grasslands a week's ride away in case Sidao is... audacious enough to siege Cambulac.
  • I want to know why you ride the grasslands alone at night.
  • Migrating eastward, following the grasslands, because that's what they were adapted to live on.
  • A limit on nitrogenous mineral manure of 50 units per hectare of grazing area per year has been added in order to preserve the grassland's floristic diversity.


  • on the field
  • on the meadow
  • on the plain
  • on the prairie
  • on the savanna

in the grassland

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to being within the boundaries of the grassland.

Use "in the grassland" when describing a location where something is within the boundaries of the grassland.


  • There are many animals living in the grassland.
  • The researchers conducted their study in the grassland.
  • The flowers bloom beautifully in the grassland.
  • He hoped a ride in the grasslands might assist him.
  • If they were found in the grasslands, where'd they pick up all this mud?
  • If they were found in the grasslands, where'd they pick up all this mud?
  • A limit on nitrogenous mineral manure of 50 units per hectare of grazing area per year has been added in order to preserve the grassland's floristic diversity.
  • New rules are in the pipeline whereby grassland with more than the occasional tree may not be classified as agricultural land.
  • in the case of grassland exclusively used for grazing.
  • would remain grassland in the absence of human intervention;
  • The imposing complexes of glacial lakes, siliceous rocky screes, acidophile grassland communities and priority nardus grasslands in the alpine zone of the area are under direct threat.
  • Highly biodiverse grassland in the European Union is not limited to the geographic ranges referred to under (1), (2) and (3) of this Article.
  • These vast pastures composed of halophilous plants in the Camargue and of dry grasslands in the winter growth zone influence the physical and mental development of the animals.
  • But if you do not look at grasslands but look down into them, you find that most of the soil in that grassland that you've just seen is bare and covered with a crust of algae, leading to increased runoff and evaporation.
  • Without prejudice to Article 3, grasslands in the following geographic ranges of the European Union shall always be regarded as highly biodiverse grassland:
  • natural, namely grassland that would remain grassland in the absence of human intervention and which maintains the natural species composition and ecological characteristics and processes; or
  • If, however, a majority here in Parliament and in the Council decides to phase out milk quotas by 2015, a milk fund will be necessary in order to ensure the continued survival of milk production in the disadvantaged areas and grassland areas in future.
  • non-natural, namely, grassland that would cease to be grassland in the absence of human intervention and which is species-rich and not degraded, unless evidence is provided that the harvesting of the raw material is necessary to preserve its grassland status.
  • My Lord Dragon King... the grasslands to the south are parched.
  • I come from the grasslands (North Eastern China).
  • Now the grasslands have turned into desert.
  • The grassland was sweet and cool tonight, Za Bing.
  • The richness of the grassland's flora is also preserved by restricting fertiliser inputs.


  • within the grassland
  • inside the grassland
  • within the meadow
  • inside the meadow
  • within the plain

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