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sitting in the back of the class vs sitting at the back of the class

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'Sitting in the back of the class' implies being physically inside the class, while 'sitting at the back of the class' suggests being located near the back but not necessarily inside the class.

Last updated: March 21, 2024 • 2027 views

sitting in the back of the class

This phrase is correct and commonly used to indicate the physical location of someone inside the class.

This phrase is used to describe the position of someone who is physically located inside the class, specifically towards the back.


  • She was quietly sitting in the back of the class during the lecture.
  • The troublemakers always sat in the back of the class.
  • I prefer sitting in the back of the class to avoid distractions.
  • The teacher noticed the student sitting in the back of the class.
  • He felt more comfortable sitting in the back of the class.
  • Feb 8, 2012 ... Exceptions to the statistics, which state that sitting in the back of the class increases the probability of receiving a D or F by 23 percent according ...
  • Sitting in the back of the class; I was just like you. Always left out, never fit in. Owning that path you're walking in. Mr. Misunderstood, Mr. Misunderstood
  • Sep 15, 2015 ... The hbu collegian states that “Exceptions to the statistics, which state that sitting in the back of the class increases the probability of receiving a ...
  • Ron: And usually, I think they're talking about the subject of the class, so that is even... that's another strong point about sitting in the back of the class. You don't ...


  • sitting at the back of the class
  • sitting towards the back of the class
  • sitting near the back of the class
  • sitting in the rear of the class
  • sitting in the last row of the class

sitting at the back of the class

This phrase is correct and commonly used to indicate the position of someone near the back of the class.

This phrase is used to describe the position of someone who is located near the back of the class but not necessarily inside it.


  • She preferred sitting at the back of the class to have a clear view of the board.
  • The latecomers usually end up sitting at the back of the class.
  • He was always the first to sit at the back of the class.
  • The new student nervously sat at the back of the class.
  • The teacher asked the students sitting at the back of the class to pay attention.
  • by Group B who, rather than sitting at the back of the class are actually sitting ' towards the front'. Regardless of Group B designation these results support a ...
  • Engaging Students at the Start of Class. Observing student teachers has been an interesting and rewarding experience so far. Sitting at the back of the class and ...
  • group of students sitting at the back of the class and the researcher and her team decided to call these students the “backbenchers” of the class.
  • Like their responses to sitting at the back of the class versus sitting at the front of the class, students were mostly neutral, where 70% of students took that position  ...


  • sitting in the back of the class
  • sitting towards the back of the class
  • sitting near the back of the class
  • sitting in the rear of the class
  • sitting in the last row of the class

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