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in the expression of vs in expression of

Both "in the expression of" and "in expression of" are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "In the expression of" is used when referring to the act of conveying or communicating something, while "in expression of" is used to show the purpose or reason behind an action.

Last updated: March 29, 2024 • 3313 views

in the expression of

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when talking about the act of conveying or communicating something, such as feelings, ideas, or opinions.


  • He used art in the expression of his emotions.
  • Poetry is often used in the expression of complex thoughts.
  • Music can be a powerful tool in the expression of cultural identity.
  • The painting was created in the expression of the artist's vision.
  • She found solace in the expression of her creativity.
  • The dilutions in the expression of results depend on this value of V.
  • V = Ve× W/(W-5) The dilutions in the expression of results depend on this value of V.
  • Under these conditions the value of V in the expression of results is:
  • and (c) except for the differences which result from the act of derivation, it conforms essentially to the initial variety in the expression of the characteristics that results from the genotype or combination of genotypes of the initial variety.
  • A variety shall be deemed to be uniform if, subject to the variation that may be expected from the particular features of its propagation, it is sufficiently uniform in the expression of those characteristics
  • At the moment, it is this solidarity that is missing, especially in the expression of a strong shared political will by all the Member States, which would not only give greater protection to our borders, but also make our economy more credible.
  • The statutory audit results in the expression of an opinion that the financial statements give a true and fair view of the audited entities in accordance with the relevant financial reporting framework.
  • Resistance was correlated with the accumulation of mutations in the viral genome that resulted in the expression of amino acid substitutions in the viral protease.
  • candidates must complete the declaration of interests included in the expression of interest in a true and complete manner.
  • In the expression of the sacred taoist square do I invoke your spirit!
  • Recent developments in the expression of the nutrition declaration, other than per 100g/100ml/portion, by some Member States and organisations in the food sector suggest that consumers like such schemes as they can help them make speedy choices quickly.
  • There have been recent developments in the expression of the nutrition declaration, other than per 100 g/100 ml/portion, or in its presentation, through the use of graphical forms or symbols, by some Member States and organisations in the food sector.
  • Seal hunting and the way it is carried out has resulted in the expression of serious reaction and concern by the public and by numerous governments which are particularly enlightened about animal welfare.


  • in expressing
  • through the expression of
  • by means of expression
  • through expression
  • in conveying

in expression of

This phrase is correct but less commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to show the purpose or reason behind an action, often followed by a noun or noun phrase.


  • He donated the money in expression of his gratitude.
  • She wrote the letter in expression of her support.
  • The event was organized in expression of unity.
  • The gift was given in expression of friendship.
  • The decision was made in expression of goodwill.
  • If transgene expression is limited to a certain compartment in the GMO (such as a certain plant tissue), instability of regulation could result in expression of the transgene in the entire organism.
  • D. whereas on 28 February 2012 as a result of the Belarusian authorities' statement and in expression of solidarity and unity the EU Member States agreed to withdraw all their ambassadors for consultations to the respective capitals;
  • In the case of modifications other than insertion or deletion, describe function of the modified genetic material before and after the modification, as well as direct changes in expression of genes as a result of the modification
  • You see the two movements integrated, and the object seems to be employing its entire being in this expression of desperation.
  • This binding results in differential expression of multiple oestrogen-regulated genes in different tissues.
  • I want to include in this expression of gratitude Parliament as a whole and in particular its President, Pat Cox.
  • Mr President, firstly I would like to join this House in its expression of sympathy for the victims of Santa Pola and Derry.
  • From the published results it emerges that in 1997 expressions of interest were submitted for the thematic priority Life sciences, genomics and biotechnology.
  • It is a rule of this Parliament that persons in the gallery should not indulge in any expression of their feelings.
  • We are concerned about the way in which expressions of anti-Hungarian sentiment are gaining ground again.
  • The dilutions in the expression of results depend on this value of V.
  • V = Ve× W/(W-5) The dilutions in the expression of results depend on this value of V.
  • Tom and Lila have written their own vows, in an expression of their creativity.
  • We are voting against the motion for a resolution in an expression of solidarity with the people of Iran.
  • I also join in the expressions of regret and sympathy in respect of ETA's very many unnecessary victims.
  • In Google, expressions of corporate compassion almost always follow the same pattern.
  • In the expression of the sacred taoist square do I invoke your spirit!
  • Mr President, Commissioner, Mr Zappalà, ladies and gentlemen, I am happy to join in the expressions of thanks.
  • Their accession will be a major step towards the reunification, in an expression of solidarity, of the family of states and peoples that make up Europe.
  • I believe that you are genuine in your expression of appreciation of the role of the European Parliament.


  • as an expression of
  • as a sign of
  • as a gesture of
  • as a token of
  • as a manifestation of

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