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fits my schedule vs fits in my schedule

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'Fits my schedule' is more commonly used when referring to an activity or event that can be accommodated within one's existing schedule. On the other hand, 'fits in my schedule' is often used when talking about finding a suitable time slot for something within a busy schedule.

Last updated: March 28, 2024 • 2521 views

fits my schedule

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when something can be accommodated within one's existing schedule.


  • I can meet you for lunch on Friday because it fits my schedule.
  • The appointment fits my schedule perfectly.
  • Oct 27, 2017 ... I can't find a job that fits my schedule and I dont want to use up my savings account money! Whats the best place to look for jobs for a college ...
  • Apr 26, 2021 ... If something “fits my schedule” it means I am available during that time. “Do you want to go to a movie at 7pm?” -Let me check my calendar to ...
  • The phrase 'fits my schedule' is correct and is commonly used in written English. For example, "I'm sorry, that time doesn't fit my schedule."
  • ... fits my schedule? Add both classes to your Desired Courses list. Before you generate your schedules: Uncheck one of the courses in the Courses section on ...
  • Oct 12, 2024 ... ... fits my schedule?” Especially for people who work full-time and have other obligations, finding the time for regular therapy sessions can be ...
  • Sep 25, 2021 ... Is it okay to see another doctor who's appointment fits my schedule more than my original doctor? All related (37).
  • Aug 9, 2014 ... suits me = fits my schedule (AE/BE)? ; mikichan. Senior Member. Chinese. Aug 9, 2014. #1 ; panjandrum. Senior Member · English-Ireland (top end).
  • 5 hours ago ... I don't think a baby fits my schedule right now, but I do want to make sure I have healthy eggs for when it's time. Also acknowledging that God ...
  • I give permission for FYE staff to enroll me in a section of FYE that fits my schedule once seats become available. Email. This field is for validation ...


  • suits my schedule
  • works for my schedule
  • is convenient for my schedule
  • is compatible with my schedule
  • aligns with my schedule

fits in my schedule

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when talking about finding a suitable time slot for something within a busy schedule.


  • Let me see if I can fit in your request in my schedule.
  • I'll try to fit in a workout in my busy schedule.


  • fits into my schedule
  • fits within my schedule
  • fits inside my schedule
  • fits within my timetable
  • fits within my agenda

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