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Present date to vs till date

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Present date' is used when referring to the current date, while 'till date' is used to indicate a period up to the current date.

Last updated: March 26, 2024 • 3786 views

Present date to

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to the current date.

This phrase is used to indicate the current date or the date at the time of speaking.


  • As of the present date, the project is still ongoing.
  • The report is accurate as of the present date.
  • In support of the renewed discussion the Commission should present up-to-date EU figures on market developments, job creation and R&D budgets in the sector.
  • In the present case, the dates to which the Commission may go back for recovery purposes are as follows:
  • As has been mentioned, the present Financial Regulation dates back to 1977 and we have at present actually more of a patchwork quilt than a coherent plan of financial and budgetary provisions.
  • This figure is impossible to compare to the ECJ's own statistics, as contained in its annual reports, because some of the references taken into account by judges in their responses to the present survey date back to the 1980s and beyond.
  • In the report, we therefore urge the Commission to present an up-to-date and detailed report on public services every four years, when this regulation is up for renewal.
  • How many ex-MEPs it has employed since the European elections in 2004, to the present date? 2.
  • Until the present date, it has been applying the reduced EUR 6 price of admission tickets applied by the casinos in Mont Parnès and Corfu.
  • It is increasingly difficult to believe that Israel really favours an independent Palestinian state, while proceeding to annex more and more Palestinian territory - and does so up to the present date.
  • Would the Commission be kind enough to forward to me the relevant statistics and the matters to which they relate from 1994 to the present date?
  • Will it indicate the amount (actual figure and as a percentage for each region) of expenditure declared up to the present date by Italian former Objective 1 regions, in relation to the resources available for the 2000-06 period?
  • I know it's psycho getting you a present on the first date, but...
  • Decision 2006/965/EC repeals Decision 90/638/EEC from the date the present Decision takes effect.
  • The amendments in the present report date from November 2010 and concern the following:
  • Commission Decisions 97/217/EC, 97/218/EC, 97/219/EC and 97/220/EC are repealed on the same date the present Decision will come into force, as mentioned in Article 3.
  • Insert details of No and date of present Regulation at publication in OJ)
  • If the seaman does not present himself at the date and time stipulated for signing on, his contract shall be considered to be null and void.
  • The Commission has also said that the financial corrections will be applied from 1 January 1998 in order to clarify the uncertainties and ambiguities of the present regulation which dates from 1993.
  • The transfer takes place in the present (grant date) and is based on a price below today's market price (the 'strike price').
  • If the seaman withdraws or does not present himself at the date and time stipulated for his signing on, his contract shall be considered to be null and void and the ship-owner shall be automatically discharged from its obligation to sign him on.
  • At the date the present action was brought, the defendant had not yet adopted the necessary implementing measures or, in any event, it had not yet communicated them to the Commission.


  • current date
  • today's date
  • date of today
  • date at the moment

till date

This phrase is correct and commonly used to indicate a period up to the current date.

'Till date' is used to refer to a period of time leading up to the present moment.


  • Till date, we have received no response from the client.
  • The sales figures have been consistent till date.
  • Jan 18, 2014 ... The expression "to date" means "until the present", although I wouldn't use it in this context; "till date" appears to be Indian English for ...
  • Year till date DAX query. ‎02-06-2023 02:11 PM. Hi All,. I have a use case ... In the year of 2023 i have data for january from 01/01/2023 to 31/01/2023 and ...
  • Dec 11, 2018 ... We set the pending till date to somewhat in the far future (01.01.2100). Running in Linux we now setup a shellscript runing every hour wich ...
  • May 10, 2014 ... "He worked in our company from May, 03 to till date." Is this sentence correct grammatically or not? My friend says I shouldn't use 'to' ...
  • Aug 19, 2021 ... Evolution of materials for implants in metastatic spine disease till date - Have we found an ideal material? Radiother Oncol. 2021 Oct:163 ...
  • Jun 25, 2024 ... What is the most complex Salesforce implementation you have done till date? career question. Hello , Can you share your most complex ...
  • Sep 2, 2020 ... A brief outline of respiratory viral disease outbreaks: 1889-till date on the public health perspectives. Virusdisease. 2020 Dec;31(4):441 ...
  • Feb 16, 2018 ... Solved: hi , I have a requirement where i need to figure out comparison of current month sales to last month sales till date.
  • I wanted to create a cross tab, which shows data for current year till date, previous year same date and previous 2 year same date. So since today is June 1 ...
  • Nov 29, 2016 ...Till date” is not correct. Till is a badly formed contraction of until, which would be correctly spelled “ 'til “ (note the apostrophe) but is ...


  • up to now
  • so far
  • until now
  • to date

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