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limiting how long vs limiting the time

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Limiting how long' is used when referring to the duration of an action or event, while 'limiting the time' is used when referring to a specific period or timeframe. They are not directly comparable as they serve different purposes.

Last updated: March 21, 2024 • 782 views

limiting how long

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to the duration of an action or event.

This phrase is used to indicate restricting the amount of time something can last or continue.


  • We are limiting how long the meeting will last.
  • She is limiting how long her children can play video games.
  • The doctor is limiting how long the patient can stay in the sun.
  • They are limiting how long the construction work can go on.
  • The teacher is limiting how long students can spend on each task.
  • Mar 11, 2016 ... Will lawmakers scrap state rules limiting how long truckers can be on the road? 1 / 7. lobiondo-FAA. Rep. Frank LoBiondo speaks at a Capitol ...
  • Feb 1, 2016 ... Is there a rule limiting how long the cables from the battery to PDP can be? (self. FRC). submitted 2 months ago by pipsqueaker1171124 Head ...
  • This section will attempt to build on this notion of limiting how long rights can be denied, and to add to these solutions as they relate to LTE by exploring the ...
  • Dec 8, 2015 ... Challenge yourself to do more in less time – Limiting how long you work is effective, but it's also helpful to monitor how long it takes you to ...


  • setting a time limit
  • restricting the duration
  • controlling the length
  • regulating the time frame
  • managing the period

limiting the time

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to a specific period or timeframe that is being restricted.

This phrase is used to indicate placing restrictions on a particular period or timeframe.


  • The company is limiting the time employees can spend on breaks.
  • He is limiting the time allocated for each task.
  • The school is limiting the time students can spend in the library.
  • They are limiting the time available for questions.
  • She is limiting the time for completing the project.
  • Following are suggestions for limiting the time and number of events tuned: For single-query or small workloads (fewer than 100 events), specify an unlimited ...
  • Sep 15, 2014 ... But, Imwould suggest limiting the time used in electronics. ... productive) you might want to think about limiting the time spent on electronics.
  • Script Example for Limiting The Time An IP Address Can Be Used. Post by beaujofire » Mon Feb 29, 2016 7:36 pm. Hello, I am new to the MikroTik Router OS.
  • Jan 24, 2012 ... I'm in agreement with not limiting the time, I just haven't figured out the limitations on the content. Posted by Laura McDonald on January 26, ...


  • setting a time restriction
  • constraining the timeframe
  • restricting the period
  • managing the duration
  • controlling the time frame

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