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i noticed that you were wearing vs i noticed that you are wearing

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'I noticed that you were wearing' is used when referring to a past action, while 'I noticed that you are wearing' is used when referring to a current action. The choice between the two depends on the timing of the observation.

Last updated: March 08, 2024 • 1186 views

i noticed that you were wearing

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to a past action.

This phrase is used when you want to mention that you observed someone wearing something in the past.


  • I noticed that you were wearing a blue dress yesterday.
  • She noticed that he was wearing a new watch last week.
  • Then, I noticed that you were wearing a short-sleeved shirt. Honestly, I had no idea how you could make those coins travel so invisibly! (and I know all the other  ...
  • Feb 3, 2014 ... We were holding hands when I noticed that you were wearing my favorite jeans, the ones that snugged up in all the right places and had holes ...
  • Dec 30, 2010 ... In a lecture series last spring in Hendersonville, North Carolina, I noticed that you were wearing a cross, one of the symbols of Christianity.
  • Dec 23, 2010 ... In a lecture series last spring in Hendersonville, North Carolina, I noticed that you were wearing a cross, one of the symbols of Christianity.


  • I noticed that you had been wearing
  • I noticed that you had worn
  • I noticed that you had on
  • I noticed that you had put on
  • I noticed that you had dressed in

i noticed that you are wearing

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to a current action.

This phrase is used when you want to mention that you observed someone wearing something at the present moment.


  • I noticed that you are wearing a new necklace today.
  • She noticed that he is wearing a different shirt now.
  • May 17, 2013 ... I noticed that you are wearing a wedding band, congratulations on your union, that person is so lucky to have you as their partner. And now I ...
  • Aug 12, 2010 ... Yes, Agree with you on the jacket. Not good in the back. I noticed that you are wearing Aldo shoes size 36. Do you always have to go up half a ...
  • Sep 24, 2014 ... I've been following you for a year now and I noticed that you are wearing a lot more flats these days. You used to wear sky high heels :P.
  • 3. i noticed that You are wearing blue jeans today. If someone said you're wearing { blue jeans/a dress] today, would this person be telling the truth or telling a lie ...


  • I noticed that you have been wearing
  • I noticed that you have on
  • I noticed that you have put on
  • I noticed that you have dressed in
  • I noticed that you have worn

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