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are vs is

The phrases 'are' and 'is' are both correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Are' is used with plural subjects, while 'is' is used with singular subjects. Therefore, the choice between 'are' and 'is' depends on the subject being singular or plural.

Last updated: March 11, 2024 • 1619 views


The word 'are' is correct when used with plural subjects.

Use 'are' when the subject of the sentence is plural. It is the present tense form of the verb 'to be' for plural subjects.


  • They are going to the park.
  • The dogs are barking loudly.
  • We are studying for the exam.
  • The students are listening to the teacher.
  • These books are interesting.
  • Follow-up exams are often necessary to determine how treatments are progressing.
  • Cell arrangement Eukaryotes are often multicellular whereas prokaryotes are unicellular.
  • Your career and achievements are are exceptional.
  • You are beauty, You are meekness, You are the protector, You are our custodian and defender, You are strength, You are refreshment.
  • All are autocrats and most are extravagantly corrupt.
  • Facial expressions are lifeless and movements are slow.
  • All those names where family relationships are reasonably specific are included.
  • Corticosteroids are used especially when internal organs are affected.
  • Corticosteroids are particularly helpful when internal organs are affected.
  • Sunglasses are fundamental for children which are particularly at risk.
  • Most natural (or biological) materials are complex composites whose mechanical properties are often outstanding, considering the weak constituents from which they are assembled.
  • Zoos are full, prisons are overflowing.
  • I think there are events which are inexplicable.
  • Armor systems are in critical condition and are losing power.
  • These are... are unique circumstances.
  • Our assets are people are disappearing.
  • There are witch confessions that are totally insane.
  • There are declining species that are evaluated as Least Concern.
  • They are variable stars that are magnetically active.
  • Mediator as they are called, are demons.


  • They're going to the park.
  • The dogs're barking loudly.
  • We're studying for the exam.
  • The students're listening to the teacher.
  • These books're interesting.


The word 'is' is correct when used with singular subjects.

Use 'is' when the subject of the sentence is singular. It is the present tense form of the verb 'to be' for singular subjects.


  • He is reading a book.
  • The cat is sleeping on the couch.
  • She is a doctor.
  • It is raining outside.
  • This car is fast.
  • Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German ist is (from sīn to be), Latin est (from esse to be), Greek esti (from einai to be).
  • 1M Followers, 284 Following, 2156 Posts - This is Patti Smith (@thisispattismith) on Instagram: "We are all alive together"
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  • Aug 20, 2022 ... It just says my browser doesn't support WebGL. I can't view or make any projects. I'm confused as to why this is happening. Are there any suggestions other ...
  • As/Is. @AsIs. 10.2M subscribers•4.8K videos. As/Is ...more ...more bzfd.it ... This Makeup Challenge is Unreal #shorts. 3.9K views · 17 vs 27 | Hilarious ...
  • @charli_xcx. kamala IS brat. 12:29 AM · Jul 22, 2024. ·. 61.9M. Views. 43.6K. Reposts · 15.7K. Quotes · 330.5K. Likes. 9,071. Bookmarks. 9K.
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  • He's reading a book.
  • The cat's sleeping on the couch.
  • She's a doctor.
  • It's raining outside.
  • This car's fast.

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