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should be changed vs should be improved

Both phrases are correct, but they convey slightly different meanings. 'Should be changed' implies a need for alteration or modification, while 'should be improved' suggests enhancing or making something better. The choice between the two depends on the context and the specific desired outcome.

Last updated: March 26, 2024 • 1153 views

should be changed

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate the necessity of alteration or modification.

This phrase is used when something needs to be altered or modified to address a specific issue or requirement.


  • The design of the website should be changed to make it more user-friendly.
  • The policy should be changed to reflect the new regulations.
  • His attitude towards work should be changed for better productivity.
  • As the core purpose of this exceptional grant is to cover Kosovo's projected budget gap in 2006 and 2007, the objective of the proposal should be changed accordingly.
  • Those names should be changed and truncated to 64 characters.
  • Moreover, TARIC codes for four products should be changed.
  • Moreover, TARIC codes for 12 products should be changed.
  • You know, they should be changed as often as possible...
  • The site of injection should be changed.
  • Bedding for animals should be changed as required by sound husbandry practice.
  • Duration of administration The patch should be changed after 72 hours.
  • It should be changed in the other language versions too.
  • I believe the internal system should be changed.
  • This is not sustainable and should be changed.
  • It's the world's mechanism that should be changed.
  • So the city council has decided it should be changed to something a little less horrifying.
  • Therefore the legal basis should be changed.
  • It should be changed only to improve what already exists.
  • The Pact should be changed because it has started to contradict itself.
  • The medium should be changed the following day.
  • The infusion set and reservoir should be changed every 48 hours using aseptic technique.
  • The infusion set and reservoir should be changed every 48 hours using aseptic technique.
  • Moreover, the existing TARIC codes 2009419270, 2009897992 and 8505199031 should be changed.


  • needs to be changed
  • must be changed
  • has to be changed
  • ought to be changed
  • requires a change

should be improved

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to suggest enhancing or making something better.

This phrase is used when something is already in place but could benefit from enhancements or upgrades to make it better.


  • The quality of the product should be improved to meet customer expectations.
  • Her performance at work should be improved through training and development.
  • The efficiency of the process should be improved for cost savings.
  • Administrative cooperation between Member State should be improved in order to enhance supervision of service providers.
  • The quality of the available data related to CAP irregular payments should be improved.
  • The proposal for a directive should be improved in those and other respects.
  • The quality of trade should be improved and priority given to creating equal opportunities for market access.
  • For that purpose, access to finance for the cultural and creative sectors should be improved.
  • In order to reflect the noise nuisance actually perceived by people in the vicinity of airports, methods of measuring noise should be improved.
  • The consultation of stakeholder should be improved in establishing clearer rules of procedures.
  • Parliament's information should be improved.
  • The wording of certain parts of Table 2 should be improved in order to provide clearer information.
  • The business environment should be improved and administrative capacity should be strengthened.
  • In order to achieve those objectives, the availability of alternative clean fuels should be improved throughout the trans-European transport network.
  • knowledge of consumers should be improved;
  • The permanent President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, has stated that Member State competitiveness should be improved with regular controls and additional indicators.
  • The accuracy of budget programming for the provisioning needs of the Guarantee Fund should be improved.
  • It does not say a lot but in effect it says that the administration procedure should be improved, and nobody really could argue against that.
  • The efficiency of the process should be improved by abbreviating the internal procedure, as was rightly included in the draft European Parliament resolution.
  • National law should be improved in parallel, removing all discriminatory provisions that are not in keeping with Article 13 of the Amsterdam Treaty.
  • Coordination of operations financed under Community instruments should be improved.
  • Child care should be improved and extended.
  • Support to foster them should be improved constantly and at every level.


  • needs to be improved
  • must be improved
  • has to be improved
  • ought to be improved
  • requires improvement

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