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the writing is improved vs Writing is improved

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "The writing is improved" is used when referring to specific writing that has been enhanced, while "Writing is improved" is a more general statement about the improvement of writing in general.

Last updated: March 21, 2024 • 738 views

the writing is improved

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to specific writing that has been enhanced.

This phrase is used when you want to emphasize that a particular piece of writing has been enhanced or made better.


  • The writing is improved, thanks to the editor's feedback.
  • After revising the essay, the writing is improved significantly.
  • Often the writing is improved in the process. Using Edit Counter is also a great way to see the effect editing has on your writing, especially over time. When using ...
  • Feb 18, 2014 ... ... to consult a native speaker or other expert to improve the writing and advise the editor not to accept the paper until the writing is improved.
  • When the product of the writing is improved, they can be valued as an online portfolio. There is much to be gained from students keeping a portfolio of their work.
  • 1, paragraph 2, Corpus 1), the writing is improved. While there is an overwhelming tendency to explicitation of these text-related types, i.e. through improved ...


  • The quality of the writing has improved.
  • The writing has been enhanced.
  • The writing shows improvement.
  • The writing has been refined.
  • The writing has been polished.

Writing is improved

This phrase is correct and is used to make a general statement about the improvement of writing in general.

This phrase is used when you want to talk about the overall improvement of writing without specifying a particular piece of writing.


  • Writing is improved through practice.
  • Reading more can help ensure that your writing is improved.
  • Writing is improved when you pay attention to grammar and punctuation.
  • Writing is improved by seeking feedback from others.
  • Writing is improved by incorporating different writing techniques.
  • One thing is probably true – that your writing is improved by writing. Sounds obvious? In fact, many students are so worried about making mistakes that they ...
  • Writing is improved speech. It is harder because it is better. It takes longer because it can carry more meaning. It requires more concentration because it carries ...
  • Writing is improved through practice; for this reason, major writing assignments should ask students to draft, give and receive feedback, and revise. Drafting.
  • Often the writing is improved in the process. Using Edit Counter is also a great way to see the effect editing has on your writing, especially over time. When using ...


  • Writing has improved.
  • Improvement is seen in writing.
  • Writing skills have been enhanced.
  • Writing has shown improvement.
  • Writing has been refined.

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