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I immensely benefited vs I benefited

Both phrases are correct, but they convey slightly different levels of intensity. "I immensely benefited" emphasizes a strong or significant level of benefit, while "I benefited" is a more general statement. The choice between the two depends on the degree of emphasis the speaker wants to convey.

Last updated: March 08, 2024 • 6351 views

I immensely benefited

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to emphasize a strong or significant level of benefit.

This phrase is used when you want to emphasize that you gained a great deal of benefit from something. It conveys a high level of positive impact or advantage.


  • I immensely benefited from the training program.
  • She immensely benefited from the mentorship of experienced professionals.
  • The company immensely benefited from the new marketing strategy.
  • He immensely benefited from the advice of his coach.
  • The students immensely benefited from the interactive learning experience.
  • Dr. Jimerson was my primary advisor at CCSP, and I immensely benefited from his enthusiasm for school psychology research, his focus on bringing scholarship  ...
  • A world of minute details in interpreting standards, designing/debugging AV decoders,kernel drivers for STB chipsets which I immensely benefited having ...
  • Sep 1, 2011 ... Reply. masood ahmad says: September 4, 2011 at 6:59 pm. may ALLAH s blessings be with u I immensely benefited fitted from Ur web site.
  • I immensely benefited from the critical comments and invaluable help of sociologist Mizanur Rahman, from the National University of Singapore. I particularly ...


  • I greatly benefited
  • I significantly benefited
  • I profited greatly
  • I reaped immense benefits
  • I derived immense benefit

I benefited

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate that you gained some benefit from something.

This phrase is a more general statement indicating that you received some level of benefit. It is used when you want to convey that there was a positive outcome, without emphasizing the degree of benefit.


  • I benefited from the workshop.
  • She benefited from the experience.
  • The organization benefited from the partnership.
  • He benefited from the feedback.
  • The community benefited from the project.
  • a. Something that promotes or enhances well-being; an advantage: The nurse explained the benefits of regular exercise. b. Help; aid: The field trip was of great  ...
  • Nov 16, 2012 ... "I said to a friend: "I'm going to get all these people a T-shirt saying, 'I benefited from apartheid', because they simply don't understand," he ...
  • Simple past. I benefited you benefited he/she/it benefited we benefited you benefited ... I benefited you benefited he/she/it benefited we benefited you benefited
  • Recent; 2013; Launched. I benefited from apartheid is on Facebook. To connect with I benefited from apartheid, sign up for Facebook today. Sign UpLog In.


  • I gained benefit
  • I received benefit
  • I profited
  • I derived benefit
  • I obtained benefit

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