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of my residency vs of my residenc

Both phrases are not correct as they are incomplete. The correct form should be 'of my residency' or 'of my residence'. The choice between 'residency' and 'residence' depends on the context in which they are used.

Last updated: March 24, 2024 • 1084 views

of my residency

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to indicate possession or association with a specific residency program or period of living in a particular place.


  • I completed the final year of my residency in pediatrics.
  • The benefits of my residency include access to state-of-the-art facilities.
  • The challenges of my residency have helped me grow as a professional.
  • The duration of my residency was three years.
  • The location of my residency was in a bustling city.
  • Actually, this would be instead of my residency.
  • Today was the first day of my residency, and hallelujah!
  • My duration of residency is hardly the point.
  • I start my residency in Chicago.
  • I did my residency at Columbia Presbyterian before I became chief of cardiothoracic surgery here.
  • And then I did my residency at G.W.
  • I knew some Bennetts when I did My residency in Massachusetts.
  • I was thinking about a patient that I had during my residency.
  • I haven't done an amputation since my residency.
  • Since I graduated Harvard medical school and finished my residency, I've had that feeling.
  • I finished my residency five years ago.
  • Since I graduated harvard medical school And finished my residency, I've had that feeling.
  • Heh! I just finished my residency, Damon.
  • Graduated with honors from Duke Medical, just finished my residency at Chicago General.
  • I'd hoped that I could stay in America for my residency.
  • I saw it during my residency countless times.
  • - I took my residency with him.
  • I'm applying for my residency.
  • I got my residency at SCH.
  • I haven't done a jugular line since my residency.


  • of my residence
  • in my residency
  • during my residency
  • from my residency
  • with my residency

of my residenc

This phrase is incorrect as it is missing the final 'y' in 'residency'.

  • Dokument ta' residenza (residence document)
  • Residenti fit-tul- KE (long term resident - EC),
  • Residenti fit-tul-KE (long-term resident - EC)
  • Country or territory of Usual residence/ or prior education
  • I'm the director of the residency program, you're a resident.
  • Local authority of the commune in which the beneficiary resides.'
  • You aleady have them on, M. Pesident.
  • Is still an informer's word Against the presidens.
  • For example, the Deutsche Bundesbank pointed out that it covers all resident issuers engaged in economic activities in Germany, irrespective of the duration of residency (' legal residency concept').
  • Head of Cabinet of the Presidential Administration (Présidence) responsible for matters relating to the National Police.
  • Reason for separation/ excessive violence Residence/ Jungu
  • Reason for separation/ found a new Love Residence/ Mapo
  • Tunisian, born in Tunis 26 August 1974, son of Najia JERIDI, businessman, residing at 124 avenue Habib Bourguiba -Carthage presidence
  • Yes, I'm talking to their pr esident who's so close to the swamp of terrorists' supporters...
  • Judgment of 8 December 2011 in Case C-275/10, Residex Capital IV, not yet published, paragraphs 43-45.
  • There are only 200 re0ident Brit0 in Panama... ...but you can 0urely ferret out one or wo... ...who can gain you acce00 to the corridor0 ofpower.
  • General Other govern - residment ents EN
  • Is still an informer's word Against the presidens... were all indictable for obstruction of justice.
  • In the latest bombshell the presidens lawyers revealed that there is an 18-and-a-halfminute gap in a critical Watergate tape.
  • The inner part of the coin features the following inscription: 2008 PRÉSIDENCE FRANÇAISE UNION EUROPÉENNE RF.

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