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is transmitted signal vs is the transmitted signa

These two phrases are not directly comparable as they are incomplete and seem to be part of a larger sentence. However, based on the provided fragments, "is transmitted signal" is incorrect due to the missing article 'the' before 'transmitted signal.' On the other hand, "is the transmitted signal" seems to be a more complete and grammatically correct phrase.

Last updated: March 27, 2024 • 903 views

is transmitted signal

This phrase is incorrect as it is missing the article 'the' before 'transmitted signal.'

The correct phrase should be 'is the transmitted signal,' where 'the' is the definite article used before 'transmitted signal' to specify a particular signal being discussed.
  • So all we have to do, is track where this signal is transmitted from...
  • The required fast sampling rate of the transmitted signal is achieved by using a fast RISC processor in the sensor.
  • This signal is transmitted to the flow controller FC1 that controls the suction blower SB to maintain a differential pressure of zero at the tip of the probe.
  • continuous (the brake application or release signal is transmitted from a central command to the whole train by a control line),
  • This signal is transmitted to the flow controller FC1 that controls the suction blower SB to maintain a differential pressure of zero at the tip of the probe.
  • continuous: the brake application signal is transmitted from a central command to the whole train by a control line,
  • In the case of mobile communications satellite telephones the signal is transmitted directly from the mobile communications unit to the satellite, from where it can be fed into a cable link, via an Earth station, or directly transmitted to a different mobile unit.
  • From this point, no station aboard will make use of transmitted signals or intercom.
  • In the case of a single temporary failure (< 40 ms) within the electric control transmission, excluding its energy supply, (e.g. non-transmitted signal or data error) there shall be no distinguishable effect on the service braking performance.
  • The brake equipment of the unit shall provide the functions of braking such as the application and the release of the brake, upon a transmitted signal.
  • I've just transmitted the satellite signal.
  • Transmitted pulse signal bandwidth exceeding 3 kHz;
  • Transmitted pulse signal bandwidth exceeding 3 kHz;
  • I have transmitted a retreat signal.
  • Picking up a signal being transmitted.
  • I've been trying to trace the signal being transmitted from the override device.
  • They're calibrated to pick up a signal being transmitted using subspace.
  • A simple binary code... transmitted by carrier wave signal.
  • This disrupts signals transmitted between brain cells by' neurotransmitters', chemicals that allow nerve cells to communicate with each other.
  • In 1936 a very faint television signal transmitted the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games as a show of German superior technology.

is the transmitted signa

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

'Is the transmitted signal' is a grammatically correct phrase where 'the' is the definite article used before 'transmitted signal' to specify a particular signal being discussed.
  • The transmitted data may be amended up to 15 January at the latest.
  • The operator user ID should also be part of the transmitted data.
  • States shall ensure that the transmitted data do not permit the direct identification of the statistical units.
  • - the appropriate forms of the transmitted variablesand
  • This mandatory ASCII field shall contain the number of horizontal lines contained in the transmitted image.
  • Each observed trip shall be an individual record in the transmitted micro-data file.
  • The Central System shall confirm receipt of the transmitted data as soon as possible.
  • Member States shall ensure that the transmitted data do not permit the direct identification of the statistical units (individuals).
  • This report shall evaluate in particular the quality of the transmitted LCI data.
  • (8) In order to protect confidentiality of the transmitted information, the Annexes to this Decision should not be published.
  • (4) In order to protect confidentiality of the transmitted information, the Annex to this Decision should not be published.
  • (8) In order to protect confidentiality of the transmitted information, the Annexes to the present Decision should not be published.
  • 'raw MSD' means a representation of the transmitted minimum set of data before being presented in an intelligible way to the eCall PSAP operator.
  • In order to protect confidentiality of the transmitted information, the Annexes to this Decision should not be published.
  • Step 11: After a consolidation phase, the evaluation of the transmitted and stored data for quality improvement could come into operation.
  • Member States shall ensure that the transmitted data do not permit the direct identification of the statistical units.
  • In order to protect confidentiality of the transmitted information, the Annexes to the present Decision should not be published.
  • Member States shall ensure that the transmitted data do not permit the direct identification of the statistical units (individuals).
  • The requested Member State shall check the quality of the transmitted dactyloscopic data without delay by a fully automated procedure.
  • This mandatory ASCII field shall contain the number of pixels contained on a single horizontal line of the transmitted image.

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