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You must come to school vs You should come to school

Both phrases are correct, but they convey slightly different levels of obligation or recommendation. 'You must come to school' implies a stronger sense of obligation, while 'You should come to school' suggests a recommendation or advice. The choice between them depends on the context and the level of urgency or importance you want to convey.

Last updated: March 29, 2024 • 1347 views

You must come to school

This phrase is correct and commonly used to express a strong sense of obligation or necessity.

This phrase is used to indicate a requirement or a strong recommendation. It implies a high level of importance or urgency.


  • You must come to school on time.
  • In case of an emergency, you must contact the authorities immediately.
  • The children must come to school.
  • Explain why you ask us to come to school.
  • Anne didn't come to school.
  • You said you would come to school...
  • Looks like he doesn't come to school much anymore.
  • Me-maw said best I come to school, but...
  • Because I wanted you to come to school and graduate.
  • He gets to come to school every day as if nothing happened.
  • She didn't come to school today.
  • We've started many programs just to make sure that the child comes to school.
  • Come to school for the two weeks between tomorrow to the graduaion ceremony.
  • Rita would come to school with an extra lunch.
  • She comes to school with Shang every day.
  • (Giovanni) That morning, Mara did not come to school.
  • I had to come to school six times that day.
  • He often doesn't come to school.
  • Comes to school every day now.
  • Come to school as soon as you finish today.
  • Hiding out in her room, she didn't come to school.
  • Do you always come to school early?


  • You have to come to school.
  • You are required to come to school.

You should come to school

This phrase is correct and commonly used to give advice or make a recommendation.

This phrase is used to suggest something as a good idea or the right thing to do. It implies a lower level of obligation compared to 'must.'


  • You should come to school early to avoid traffic.
  • If you want to learn, you should come to school regularly.
  • Your father should come to school tomorrow.
  • Explain why you ask us to come to school.
  • Anne didn't come to school.
  • You said you would come to school...
  • Looks like he doesn't come to school much anymore.
  • Me-maw said best I come to school, but...
  • Because I wanted you to come to school and graduate.
  • He gets to come to school every day as if nothing happened.
  • She didn't come to school today.
  • We've started many programs just to make sure that the child comes to school.
  • Come to school for the two weeks between tomorrow to the graduaion ceremony.
  • Rita would come to school with an extra lunch.
  • She comes to school with Shang every day.
  • (Giovanni) That morning, Mara did not come to school.
  • I had to come to school six times that day.
  • He often doesn't come to school.
  • The children must come to school.
  • Comes to school every day now.
  • You should come by after school and check it out.
  • Come to school as soon as you finish today.


  • It would be a good idea to come to school.
  • I recommend coming to school.

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